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This fascinating piece of Jinglish was purchased for me by long-time friend Michael F.

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Show 16 Comments


  1. Penguins shouldn’t use matches.

    They could melt their homes.

  2. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    I think what somebody’s (maybe the penguin?) trying to say on this T shirt is that since the 1920’s matchboxes have been the best media with which to advertise, but now its clothing (who could resist the temptation of all that printable surfaces!).

    The penguins? Hmm maybe they are the next in line to replace clothing? It makes logical sense because of ALL THAT PRINTABLE SURFACES!!!!!!!

    Overall it’s pretty much lost in translation. PRINTABLE SURFACES!!! Or not…

    I think I’ll stick to matchboxes as what you lose in PRINTABLE SURFACES you gain in THE GRAPHICS EMPLOYED.

    Anyhow I’m off to put my Granny on a hot wash.

    That will teach her to forget my birthday!


  3. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    P.S Dave, I hate to piss on your campfire but I think “purchased” may be too strong a word.

    I believe this to be a “SAMPLE” from a printing company.

    Just bear that in mind around Christmas when purchasing Michael F’s gift.

    Did I say purchasing?

    I meant finding.


  4. P.S Dave, I hate to piss on your campfire but I think “purchased” may be too strong a word.

    IIRC, he bought it at a t-shirt shop in Japan.

  5. ReV.JeLLYBaBY


    Those Japanese never miss a trick do they!


  6. Spud

    Engrish just cracks up me

  7. That reminds me of all the shirts from the 80’s and 90’s that had Japanese characters on them. THey all probably said – “We’ve got your money and all you got what this lousey shirt.”

  8. Penguins don’t really have the greatest grasp of English.

    Or any language, for that matter.

  9. Esther

    Agree, I, Spud. Soon, sounding like Yoda-like penguins, we will be.

  10. mikeB

    (head explodes)

  11. Spud

    *sweeps up mikes mess*

  12. Old people love robots. I’ve got the Santa Furby that my grandma gave for Christmas a few years ago to prove it.

  13. Frisko

    I am so sorry that your Grandma resorted to such gift giving tactics.
    **shed tears here**

  14. Anna

    Like they always say ‘the days of good english has went’.

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