Tag: lame

  • Lamest Super-powers to have, Part II

    I would like super powers. Nothing too fancy, mind you. Just minor abilities to get me through the week.

    1. The ability to see through chocolates to the fillings before taking a bite
    2. The ability to sense road construction in time to catch an alternate route
    3. The ability to psychically detect which cashier is the fastest and least likely to call for a price check
    4. The ability to see through scratch-off tickets before purchasing them
    5. The ability to remove rusted, old screws without stripping the threading
    6. A magic bag that always contains the right size batteries for any appliance
    7. The ability to send all the snow that was destined for my driveway to my neighbor’s
    8. The ability to make coworkers I dislike late to all their meetings during performance review week
    9. The ability to accurately predict when public transportation will actually show up
    10. What abilities would you like this year?

    See Part I here