Tag: eagle

  • OMG, an eagle!

    C.C.: [Points out car window] “Oh look! An eagle! OMG, it’s totally an eagle!”
    Me: “Um, that’s not an eagle. That’s just a crow with a piece of bread in its mouth.”
    C.C.: “Uh, huh. You’re right. OK. This does not leave this car.”
    Me: “The hell it doesn’t.”
    T.T.: “And to think, we get to see it eating its natural prey—bread.”
    C.C.: “All right. Enough.”
    Me: “You know, eagles developed their keen vision so they could spot wild herds of bread from a mile in the air. Then they swoop down and snatch one before it escapes.”
    C.C.: “Enough!”
    T.T.: “Bread can be quite wily, I hear.”
    Me: “Indeed. Very wily.”
    C.C.: “Fuckers.”