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23 responses to “Our troops are ready for anything”

  1. Tina Marie Avatar
    Tina Marie

    Future releases from the CGSA:

    The Christian Guide to Small Tits
    The Christian Guide to Bubble Butts

    and coming this February 2007:
    The Christian Guide to Sizing Up Your Undersized Dick


  2. bhamm Avatar

    – If the American Government was REALLY in charge of catching King Kong…
    – “Be vewy vewy qwiet… I’m hunting Osama… huhuhuh…”
    – “Hey, Sarge! What’ll happen if I push that thare button?”
    – Hasbro decided to create new GI Joe action figures that were smaller than an average-sized mousetrap.

  3. Spud Avatar

    “Yo, piece of cake bro…” *snap

  4. Lung the Younger Avatar

    An active serviceman tests one the new recruitment devices that are to be installed outside malls and high schools across the country from January 2007.

  5. junkman Avatar

    not a bad idea if you want to catch canadians wandering around the base. oh wait…that’s what friendly fire is for.

    i would like to see all christians armed with anime turds and wearing the armor of god pj’s putting off life today until the hereafter.

  6. Mandy Avatar

    If my poop ever talks to me, well I’ll just have a serious problem with that. :wtf:

  7. evelyn Avatar

    my son who has been there and getting ready to go back in less than 14 days and is only 21 said there was some big ass rats but he didn’t say they were that big?

  8. Craig Avatar

    Why didn’t we think of this sooner??????

  9. Nikki Avatar

    It’s the Army.

  10. Milothemeanie Avatar

    Crafty little terrorist… 😆

  11. Milothemeanie Avatar

    crafty little terrorists…. why use bombs, when you can just use beer. Its a hell alot easier 😳

  12. NuggetMaven Avatar

    Everybody knows GLUE TRAPS are much more effective than spring loaded models!

  13. mikeme Avatar

    HEY! A George Bush trap!!!! 😛 😛

  14. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #75107 will be quoted here]

    Hey! Those Canadians were just tourists, alright?!

    And just so you know, we have bigger traps up here.

  15. Penguin Pete Avatar

    What to do when you run out of land mines…

  16. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Hey, a Republican politician trap and just in time, the elections are just around the corner. Just bait it with money and some priveleges for the wealthy and voila! Too bad there weren’t a bunch of these around in 2000, we probably wouldn’t be in the mess we are in now.

  17. Patrick Avatar

    Try applying for disability off that injury. “You got caught in what, trying to get a what? Get the hell out of my perimeter you moron”!

  18. Myra Avatar

    I thought that sword of the spirit thing was just symbolic??? That’s a Texas mouse trap – everything is bigger in Texas don’t you know.

  19. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Rummy’s new weapon for the troops. Soon to appear in the Christian’s
    arms guide. 😕 👿 :wtf: 😈

  20. psyctech Avatar

    Watch out you big fat ugly beer drinking rats! 👿

  21. JeannieBug Avatar

    Your tax dollars at work.

  22. Irish Avatar

    The newest military efforts for catching hood-rats. :undies: :boob: :boob: 😈

  23. keisha Avatar

    bush got to love him 🙄