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Show 24 Comments


  1. Spud

    It’s – Plaques

    Plaque has no busines being involved with beaver.

  2. Nunu

    I’m gonna go with plaques, and here comes the logic…
    Some old guy gets a trophy wife with a nice beaver, someone who stoops that low to get into some dudes wallet deserves a friggin medal. Hell, they deserve to have their name engraved on it!8)
    (I know it was a stretch, but I’ve had a busy day) 🙄

  3. Spud

    No, no stretch, that about sums up my thought train, now it’s time to switch tracks and trundle off into the sunset.

  4. cbatdux

    Medals. It only has 2 vowels.

  5. Pooh-san

    It has to be “engraving,” as it is the only one that is a gerund.

    (Mrs. Mibert, you frosty old bitch, wherever you are, I remembered something from your class. Be proud .)

  6. Myra

    Maybe their beaver deserves a trophy? What kind of weird place is this? 😳

  7. Ravishing Rob

    [Comment ID #78508 will be quoted here]
    Genius … pure frickin’ genius …

  8. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #78524 will be quoted here]

    Now, are you refering to the place with the sign, or davdzilla’s place?
    Just wondering…

  9. Bigwavdave

    Make that davezilla 😳

  10. Wayne

    :limp:BEAVER?! WHERE?! :wang:

  11. Trophies – Plaques – Engravings – Medals – Beavers.

    If ‘Beavers’ means ‘Beaver felt hats’, given for trophies, they would be decorated with Engraved Medals.

    So, why would someone try to sell scraped tooth scum? Or is this a gross-out fashion thing, like calling the sweat off Dennis Rodman’s balls ‘toilet water’ .. er, cologne? Is this supposed to remind your date, when you have your tongue down her throat, that your are so intent on pleasing her that you gave up personal hygiene, or that her dental appointment is next week? I have to agree with Nunu and Ravishing Rob that plaques just do not belong on this list.

  12. family jules

    It was a peaceful morning in Hodunk, Nebraska, where moms had just made breakfast for the kiddies and sent them off to school, dad’s had drank their 4th cup of coffee and grabbed their briefcases and a handful of mom’s ass before leaving for work, and all was right with the world.

    That is, until……..

    At 7:45 a.m. a cropdusting pilot flying over Old Jack Winkerman’s place spotted a strange moving object 100 yards long and crawling south-southeast at approximately .5 miles per hour. It appeared to be chewing through Winkerman’s crops and heading straight for downtown Hodunk. It could be there within hours!

    The cropduster, thinking quickly, took a snapshot with his Motorola RAZR and sent the picture message to his buddy in the tower with the following words: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?


    (Enter “Ride of the Valkyries soundtrack here). The local military base was immediately notified and based on the 1.3 megapixel picture taken from a cropdusting plane, launched it’s full compliment of fighter jets to investigate. They took arial shots of the mysterious object and forwarded them back to computers on base, where it was determined not to be any type of weapon known to man. As a matter of fact, it resembled a giant earwig!

    Central Operations informed the pilots to fire at will before the creature could reach a heavily populated area, going right through the heart of Hodunk to locate one! Attacks were launched and the creature was annihilated, stopped dead in it’s tracks. Hodunk and the rest of North America was saved!

    The press descended on the tiny borough to report the story, but were not allowed access to Winkerman’s field due to “security issues.” However, the government issued an official statement that it was a giant weather balloon and informed all the residents of the area not to speak of it again. Unfortunately, no one was willing to touch it and so it remained in the field exactly as it had been until……

    This morning, on Google maps, the weather balloon theory was blown completely and the existence and mass governmental cover-up of Earwigs from Mars was exposed to the entire world!

    Beware! The next field to be infected could be yours. Or Yours! OR YOURS!!!!

  13. junkman

    -well…..given that it’s no beard day i’d say the beaver has to go.
    -i guess fat people would not understand the article so it seems pointless……. probably written by a fat person.
    -earwig is probably heading for girl that eats bugs.

  14. Logan

    Something i never understood beavers and wood go well to gether so why do beavers eat wood its just wrong

  15. junkman

    [Comment ID #78548 will be quoted here]

    ’cause that’s what beaver’s do in both cases.

  16. As someone who is kind of fat, I am insulted by that article! Jerks. 🙁

  17. Driver

    1st – – family jules – – BRAVO

    2nd- – Engraving – – aint tat tar wut tay do wen ya dies ❓

  18. pablo

    If it said muffs instead of beavers would we still be having this conversation????
    If I used my trophy and two medals to keep the beaver in line would I receive an engraved plaque?
    Otherwise – Engraving starts with a vowel and doesn’t end in a S unlike all the rest.

  19. Red Dog

    Engraving does not belong… Everything else is something you can mount.

  20. Patrick

    It’s “trophies”, the only word without the vowel ‘a’. Do I win a prize? No thanks, being able to contribute to Davezilla is thanks enough.

  21. runnineric

    You guys that are saying shit like engravings and trophies doesn’t belong, Your’e Fucking Retards!!!!! It has to be the sign! I mean it’s the only thing in the picture! 👿

  22. Drusky

    Family Jules, Bravo!
    I thought I’d never see someone else post something longer than Brad K’s… 😆

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