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45 responses to “One of these things is not like the other…”

  1. mikeB Avatar

    You-Know-Who and her sister
    I had no idea Voldemort’s ass was so fine. 😈

  2. Irish Avatar

    Elmo tired……no more fatties on elmos lap…… :wtf:

  3. Zeke Avatar

    the fat one, she’s the only blonde.

  4. evilmister Avatar

    First of all … DAMN :wtf:

    And where can i get a giant red velour encounter suit like that one?

  5. Spud Avatar

    It’s the coffee pot, it is not like the other watchamacallits.


  6. Meagan Avatar

    “Look, Linus! It’s the Great Pumpkin!”

  7. Meagan Avatar

    Way to go, Mandy! You look hot! If only I looked that good in a bikini…

  8. Saucy Panties Blog Avatar

    Hey the guy in the red suit only stands out because the other two have no fasion sense, green t-shirts and khaki trousers come on 🙄

  9. Spud Avatar

    Damn, I missed the picture link, back in a sec…


  10. Spud Avatar

    Hubba hubba! 😀

    Someone has been a very naughty girl and needs a spanking…


  11. Randy Avatar

    It’s the woman with the aqua apron; you know, the one nearest the apparition of Jesus donning a full-face respirator in the upper left corner of the pic.

  12. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #70855 will be quoted here]

    I always need a spanking 😀

  13. bhamm Avatar

    – Tough times for Starbucks and Sesame Street forced a latte maker and Elmo into unemployment.
    – Blair Witch 4 “Okay, Elmo, face the wall!”
    – “Anyone seen a 6 foot tall man dressed completely in red felt? Anyone? Anywhere?”
    – Time for another rousing edition of “Who’s got the strangest ass?”

    Oh, wait… this isn’t caption time… Oh well, sorry, Dave, I broke the rules.

  14. Penguin Pete Avatar

    These two gals are joining the BSD demon to audition as booth babes at the next COMDEX. As soon as they find his tail.

  15. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Bravo Mandy, good sport. You’re obviously not one to make idle promisses.
    I do declare, that is one firm rump. I bet you could hit it with a tuning fork.

  16. Pappy Avatar

    Great job Mandy! It’s easy to see why you’d be happy to share if you look that good in a bikini. I can’t wait to see what more of the guys say. 😆

  17. TheFaramir Avatar

    I hereby promise all of you readers that I will never have Davezilla post pictures of me in a Speedo. Nobody needs to see that.

  18. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #70895 will be quoted here]

    Copy that.

  19. Surely Avatar

    Elmo… he’s the only naked one in the picture.

  20. Rosalind Avatar

    Six foot tall man in a silly suit. Are they remaking Donnie Darko? 😛

  21. Bill P Avatar
    Bill P

    Oh Mandy. When are we getting married? :wang: :wang: :wang:

  22. MrDoug Avatar

    Another successful trip to Starbucks for the davester. Can you picture Dave all in white with the big red um er what ever it is?

    Oh and I think you have a misspelling, Special Bonus Link, should be, “Special Boner Link” no? :wang:

    She who must not be named is clearly not like the others!

  23. Merth Avatar

    I would make a comparable promise… but it is too late. Me in a speedo… *sigh* good times.

  24. Davezilla Avatar

    But Merth. You’re a wrestler. You live in a Speedo.

  25. Driver Avatar

    Now how am I going to explane the tungue tracks all over the monitor to my wife ?

    Mandy YOU DA WOMEN Braaaaaavooooooo !!! :wang: :thong: Shwing.

    Oh yeah one of these things , umm its the green apron right , oh crap I dont know I’m going to see if I can find differnt things in Mandy’s pics. WOO HOO

  26. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #70884 will be quoted here]
    And what a tune it would sing… :mrgreen:

    Never in my life have I ever wanted so much to be a tuning fork… 😛
    (on knees, bowing…) All hail Mandy, Queen of the Thong!

  27. Drusky Avatar

    Oh yeah, the topic… ummmm… errrrrrrrr Forget the Topic Wouldn’t it kinda pale in comparison to the real item of interest like who ever the scrubs are who open for AC/DC?

  28. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #70960 will be quoted here]

    Perhaps that tune would be “My Humps” by Black Eyed Peas? They certainly are some very lovely lady lumps.

  29. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #70884 will be quoted here]

    Tuning fork? :wtf: Darn, and here I wa hoping for an open handed spanking. 😈

  30. cbatdux Avatar

    How do we know it was Mandy? Huh??? (think this’ll get another set o’ photos guys?)

  31. Zeke Avatar

    [Comment ID #70865 will be quoted here]

    i think anybody would be glad to slap your ass. 😆

  32. Driver Avatar

    [Comment ID #70973 will be quoted here]

    Good point , why are the heads out of view ???

  33. Tina Marie Avatar
    Tina Marie

    [Comment ID #70898 will be quoted here]

    What about next year? Maybe then you can have your picture taken (albeit in a white Speedo.) 😀

  34. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #70984 will be quoted here]

    After next May, I can wear colors again. Speedos, :puke: Wouldn’t you rather see a nice pair of boxers?

  35. Wendyfb Avatar

    I’d be glad to give her the spanking…. I have the implements :wtf:

  36. Wendyfb Avatar

    P.S. Mandy. You have a beautiful body. Thanks for sharing… sis too ! :}

  37. evilmister Avatar

    hey, dave, you ever think of setting up like, ‘ZillaChat’ or something? 💡

  38. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #70990 will be quoted here]

    I had one for a long time, but only about 10 or 12 readers ever used it. If enough of you want it, I can set it back up again rather quickly.

  39. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #70985 will be quoted here]
    Sure! Who’s fighting in the main event? oh yah… sorry, wrong boxers…

  40. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #70981 will be quoted here]
    Some guys will tell you that the faces aren’t important and they don’t remember them anyway…


  41. Duker Avatar

    [Comment ID #70865 will be quoted h
    I spanked all over your pics, several times, if that helps?!?!!……
    [Comment ID #70995 will be quoted here]

    After spanking Mandy, I’d luv 2 discuss it!! Count me in, Dave!!

  42. Master Solace Avatar

    I spaced and I didn’t check the site yesterday………and I think I may have died and gone to thong heaven……..thank you VERY MUCH Mandy……that has brightened up my very shitty week…………….and I was right, beauty at it’s finest……

    [Comment ID #70970 will be quoted here]

    And as for the open handed spanking……sign me up for that……er….to do that……

    Now only if I could get a copy of the middle two pics WITHOUT the arm in the way………..(if you ever would want to do something that nice for me, you can find my email on my site)……….wishful thinking…………….now back to the week from hell……. 🙁

  43. Thor Avatar

    Mandy, I wasn’t sure before, but I know now that I am in love with you! You are one cool chick. Thanks for the “uplifting” photos! You RAWK! 😛

  44. Ms Puppet Launcher Avatar
    Ms Puppet Launcher

    Mandy you give me the boner. :wang: :wang: :wang: You are all underwear hotness and lickety-chickety.

  45. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    Mandy; I’m not into spanking other women, but I sure would like to try on you! X-L-nt pics!! :mrgreen: 😛