New Scents for Yankee Candles

If Yankee Candles actually smelled like things from the Northern US, the candle scents would change up a bit.

  1. Brown Snowdrift
  2. Hoboken Hobo
  3. Leftover Pizza in the Fridge
  4. Warm IPA
  5. Overpriced, Overly-Sweet Cocktail that Looked Good in the Menu, But Wasn’t 
  6. Women’s’ Room After a Concert
  7. Crushed Black Fly
  8. Lacrosse Coach
  9. Middle-Eastern Man’s Cologne
  10. Air from a Hipster’s Bike Tire
  11. Flint Beach Water
  12. Union Worker Angst
  13. Mosquito Blood
  14. Coney Island Hotdog, Extra Onions
  15. Sublime Subway
  16. Rust
  17. Vacation Bible School
  18. Detroit Bar Mat
  19. Panera Lemon
  20. Fear of the South


One response to “New Scents for Yankee Candles”

  1. Astryd Avatar

    I can produce many of these smells in my own, thank you.