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33 responses to “It’s for sale! Any takers?”

  1. Fellow Eskimo Avatar

    While it is awfully interesting…I have to ask…Why?

  2. Kristi Avatar

    The world’s most indecisive person takes the car in to be painted. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  3. Bertie Spellend Avatar

    Dave – you found my car! It was nicked from the back of Digital Stimulation last week! Cheers – Bertie

  4. Spud Avatar

    A Dominoes advertising idea that didn’t make it?


  5. sledge Avatar

    Colored peckertracks???

  6. Dale Avatar

    “did’ja see that car?”
    “yeah, I spotted it earlier”

  7. DaveP Avatar

    I’ve seen at least one car painted like that here in MN. It had suffered hail damage, and rather than spend tens of thousands pounding out all the dents, the owner just put a polka-dot over (the bondo that filled) each dent.

  8. Sher Avatar

    I’ve heard of “Naked Twister”, but “Mobil Twister”? :wtf:

  9. Meagan Avatar

    Yikes! That car has a scratch on it!

  10. Zilla the Younger Avatar
    Zilla the Younger

    Doing my best Nancy Kerrigan impersonation: WHY?!? WHY?!? WHY!!?!

  11. tander Avatar

    Looks like a giant loaf of Wonder Bread (TM)

  12. Kangaroo Avatar

    Does it come in any other dots?

  13. tatertot Avatar

    Bingo Dabber run amok?????

  14. Night Queen Avatar

    Sigh……………… the things we do to make our car “easier to spot” in a huge parking lot! ❗

  15. dougieace Avatar

    the ultimate anti-theft “device” :puke:

  16. scamper Avatar

    New undercover cop cars

  17. mikeme Avatar

    Oh! what a feeling—Toyodot!!! 🙄

  18. Mandy Avatar

    Don’t open the door! Clowns might come out! :wtf:

  19. pablo Avatar

    “I just saw your ad in the paper for a Camry. What color is it?”

    “What color do you want?”

  20. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    The Clowns that drove it, got drunk and threw up on it. :puke:

  21. Brad K. Avatar

    Sharon looked at the latest ‘spot’ and grinned. What had seemed to be a bizarre idea now looked to be a work of art.

    Ever since that bizarre first time in the back of Dad’s car with her friend Jake, Sharon had kept a diary. She had noticed a few weeks ago that every entry about an intimate interlude included a note about the dominant color — his shirt, her dress, his shorts, her pantyhose, the ceiling in her old room, the color of Mom’s pantsuit the time she walked in on Sharon delighting Billy and her friend Sissy at the same time. And her friend Rachel was the one that suggested a ‘wall of fame’ to commemorate each encounter, and to see if any pattern emerged.

    Their first thought, to mark the walls in Sharon’s room, would probably have been more trouble than the monkey tattoo on her belly. (It was so cute, whatever Daddy thought!) But then Rachel suggested painting a car cover, which led Sharon to think of going ahead and painting her school car. And it was glorious! Why, each dot reminds Sharon of some encounter, tryst, grope session, or other erotic encounter with a friend or three. And all she had to tell Daddy was that she liked polka dots!

    The biggest problem with driving her DotMobile to High School was keeping the car under control as she creamed her panties time after time, reliving the ‘dots’ she could see, or those she could envision on the top or back of the car. At least there was plenty of room for dots to finish out this semester!

  22. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    The Happy Tree Friends are HIL-AR-I-OUS!!!!! OMG!! 😀

  23. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    I’d like to meet Sharon and show her my etchings. :wang: :wang: 😈

  24. Meagan Avatar

    OMG! I never knew ants could be so murderous! :wtf:

  25. cronewynd Avatar

    I would drive that.

  26. Red Dog Avatar
    Red Dog

    Who wants to play Twister???

  27. cronewynd Avatar

    [Comment ID #80510 will be quoted here]

    BTW, this is my Dear Hubby… the punster. I love him

  28. Diesel Avatar

    Your car would look like that too if you drove 100 mph down Sesame Street.

  29. Penguin Pete Avatar

    [Comment ID #80619 will be quoted here]

    …with the Cookie Monster chasing you….

  30. adognamedgromit Avatar

    Fresh from the Paint Sample lab. They still look good after …..(look at car…. pause)….. 15 years.

    ok Trust me to be logical

    Wasn’t there an old comic book “The girl named Dot” she had dots on everything
    Well she is selling her car.

  31. nanner Avatar

    :evil:I work with a lady named Dot this would be perfect for her. I had to show it to her–she didnt go for it much. I think she got mad at me. people with no since of humor suck 😳

  32. Lisa Avatar

    I friggin’ hate clowns. 👿

  33. Jessica Avatar

    That’s undecided Dave. I like it it’s really, dotty! I would NOT buy that shitty lookin’ car for nothing! :wtf: