Oh, we are The Aristocrats

We are The Aristocrats

Image via The Other April

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36 responses to “Oh, we are The Aristocrats”

  1. minansi Avatar

    some people really DO have too much time on their hands…. ๐Ÿ˜•

  2. Ace Avatar

    Honk! Honk!
    The new Power Rangers!

    P.S. I’M DONE! I’M DONE! I’M DONE!!!!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Spud Avatar

    Hah! now you ah see our power filthy winged man, all your matches are a belong to us.


  4. Anna Avatar

    It must be the American soccerteam that doesn’t want to be recognized …. well, if I played that bad I wouldn’t either (want to be recognized that is).

    Sorry, I’m infected by all this soccer-talk ….. :puke: ….. need antidote …. please

  5. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Boy if those Ayatollah squares only knew what รขโ‚ฌหœreallyรขโ‚ฌโ„ข goes on behind closed doors in Teheran households.

  6. Bob Avatar

    [Comment ID #63963 will be quoted here]

    That ain’t time hes got his hands on

  7. bhamm Avatar

    – Vince McMahon sincerly regrets looking for new wrestling talent at Phi Beta Kappa’s annual Booze-a-rama.
    – Nacho Libre 2 has already started filming. David Lynch and Joel Schumacher were tapped to direct.

  8. am72095 Avatar

    he has too much : :boob: on his hands

  9. Davezilla Avatar

    Doesn’t anyone get the title reference? ๐Ÿ˜•

  10. Patrick Avatar

    -Vince McMahon is shameless, he regrets nothing! To the viewers of the world, however, we regret Vince McMahon and sincerely apologize.
    -It does look like lucha dore night at Tappa Kegga Bru.

  11. cbatdux Avatar

    Duke University Hockey Team Study Hall…..

  12. bhamm Avatar

    Dave –

    A Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, and their dog walk into a talent agency. THe Father says “I’ve got the best show you’ve ever seen and we want to show it to the world!”
    The Agent says, “Fine, go ahead.”
    (Heavily cencored version)
    The Father and children fornicate each other with the dog while the mother deficates over everything.
    After they all finish the Agent looks around in awe, shock, and disgust and asks, “What the HELL do you call that?”
    The Father smiles and says, “The Aristocrats.”

    Yes, I made that connection, but even THAT picture looked too wholesome to involve an Aristocrats joke.

  13. Cynical Villain Avatar
    Cynical Villain

    Mucha Lucha! Mucha Lucha!

    All I need to see now is the Flea running around and the gang will all be here!

    Snowpea! :troll:

  14. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #64057 will be quoted here]

    Yay! I knew someone had to know that joke.

  15. Ace Avatar

    [Comment ID #64053 will be quoted here]

    Can’t do it without all that good filth.
    BTW Bob Saget can’t be beat on his version! *shiver*

  16. Zinta Avatar

    The FUTURE of the world.

  17. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    A father, mother and their conjoined twins, a son and daughter joined at the genitals, go into a talent agency…

    Man, where’s Bob Sagat when you need him?

  18. Ace Avatar

    Bob Saget’s “the Aristocrats” Joke

  19. Ace Avatar

    Ah screw it! I tried to put up the link but it’s not good.

  20. Penguin Pete Avatar

    …the Friday before they revised “casual dress” code at Microsoft…

  21. Other April Avatar

    I’m so glad you finally used this clazy picture…of me…on the far right.

  22. Steppenwolf Avatar

    What a bunch of AH-SOs!
    ‘Oh no, there goes the AH-SOs, go go Godzilla’

    “Run for your rifes! Godzirra is coming!!”

  23. mikeme Avatar

    American Idol goes to Japan! :boob: ๐Ÿ’ก

  24. mikeme Avatar

    OK… I’ve got it… The Aristotits! :boob: :boob: ๐Ÿ˜†

  25. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Cleverly disguised Mexicans. I still think Batgirl is over 12. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜• :limp:

  26. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #64053 will be quoted here]

    Sorry, too thick to get that one…


  27. Goth Princess Avatar
    Goth Princess

    I see everyone wants to be like Nacho Libre.

  28. Tina Marie Avatar
    Tina Marie

    [Comment ID #63979 will be quoted here]

    You beat me to it. Wonder twin powers, ACTIVATE! :wtf:

  29. Kristi Avatar

    Nacho Libre goes to Japan…

    And oh, the wondrous things he finds…*honk honk*

  30. Paige Avatar

    “Sometimes you wear the stretchy pants.Just for fun.” Cant wait to see Nacho Libre. As for the link, Do you thing the fur skinned bikini was what PETA wanted to talk to Beyonce about on their arranged date, courtesy of ebay????

  31. Drusky Avatar

    After Tak left to pursue his own solo career, things just weren’t the same with the rest of the Japanese group Masked Ass Ninja’s…

  32. Meagan Avatar

    Mardi Gras in Japan is taken to a whole new level. Instead of the men asking to see your tits, they ask, “Can I touch your tits?” :boob: :boob:

  33. Soldier Bob Avatar
    Soldier Bob

    Yeah I get the title you are talking about the Aristocrates Joke right?

    Japan is trying out it’s own masked insurgency, I think.

  34. Organist Avatar

    oooooh what a good link

  35. bounty Avatar

    now thats a bunch of fucktards