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34 responses to “Doughsection”

  1. t1nyturtle Avatar

    I thought Mrs. Poppin’ Fresh, aka the Pillsbury Doughgirl, would be the one with the bun in the oven. But then with the “Cherry Pie” notation, perhaps this is her?…

  2. Lung the Younger Avatar

    ‘I don’t like the look of his doughdenum, Nurse. It looks like he might kneed a triple by-pastry.’

  3. Stevie C Avatar
    Stevie C

    So, would the bun in the oven and the cherry pie make the Pillsbury doughboy a doughgirl? It must be so, since “he” has no doughnuts.

    And speaking of fake foods ……

  4. mikeB Avatar

    [Comment ID #83445 will be quoted here]

    Clearly, s/he is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.

  5. Spud Avatar

    Clearly this is an androgenous piece of pastry and not kneading any further explanation as it is fully exposed.

  6. Shrubby Avatar

    The autopsy revealed blunt force trauma to the head…most likely by a rolling pin. :dead:

  7. Lung the Younger Avatar

    All I know is that he/she won’t live very long with his/her guts hanging out like that. And Death as we all know, is the great leavener.

  8. sledge Avatar

    Looks like a yeast infection Maybe he/she kneads an oven

  9. beyonduplication Avatar



  10. Mitch Avatar

    Where are her Dungs?

  11. junkman Avatar

    given that the doughboy laughs whenever you poke him and that there are no visible exterior genitalia, what we assume to be intestine is actually an enormous inny doughdick.

  12. tabbie Avatar

    So, the real question is… Is he self rising or not??? Yeast ye of little fat… do we not know how he rises to the occasion?

  13. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    You know, it’s stuff like this that prevents more animated characters from donating their bodies to science.

  14. Astryd Avatar

    If you part the buns you’ll find the dounghnut hole. 😳
    Inny doughdick-that’s gotta be painful…twisted and sqwushed like that. ❓ Ow! :wtf:

  15. Nikki Avatar

    [Comment ID #83467 will be quoted here]

    Don’t you mean doughnating? :dead:

  16. pablo Avatar

    Points to ponder:

    If you ask him if he is self rising, beware of him showing you his breadstick.

    If he shows you his ass, would that be a crescent moon or just maybe some hot cross buns?

    If he has a pancreas, is this really the beginnings of sweetbreads?

    If his girlfriend has a yeast infection, will he still rise to the occaision?

    Are doughnuts the equivelant of McNuggets? They may exist but nobody knows where they come from.

    Would you really have to roll his girlfriend in flour and look for a wet spot? (OK, that one was mean)

    What type of dousche would he have to use to get “Poppin fresh”?

  17. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #83440 will be quoted here]

    OMG by-pastry – that one may take the cake!

  18. StevieC Avatar

    I’d say he’s been into the drugs, big time! Look at his eyes; he looks baked! And his skin is white and pastry.

  19. StevieC Avatar

    Just one more – since he doesn’t have a name, would he be just another John Dough?

  20. Astryd Avatar

    Dilated pupils-definitley a sign of drugs… 😛
    I swear though, I grew up thinking he was male!!
    This is gonna require some serious therapy.

  21. Lisa Avatar

    The disected Pillsbury Doughboy gives new meaning to the term “pinup.” :wtf:

  22. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #83471 will be quoted here]

    Being the crusty old guy that I am, I should have thought of that.

  23. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Mama! the Michelin man attacked me. I’m in bad shape. 😛 🙄 😕 :puke: :dead: :wtf:

  24. Coley Avatar

    Well seeing as he/she has a bun in the oven, they certainly aren’t using that doughaphragm properly (or at least not the other kind). And where do they get off still calling it Cherry Pie. Is it the immaculate bun or what?! :wtf:

  25. adognamedgromit Avatar

    rolling pin …. (high voice “oh no”.)… splat
    Oh sorry Pilsbury dough boy
    I mistook you for Mr. Bill.

  26. Meagan Avatar

    You think he giggled when they split him open like that?

    Tee hee! :dead:

  27. adognamedgromit Avatar

    This must be the new Pilsbury Hagis everyone is talking about……..

  28. Natalie Avatar

    But where’s his sweet buttery heart?

  29. cronewynd Avatar

    I’m totally floured by the punishment today…. 😀

  30. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    Video of the day: Worse than listening to a cat in heat!!! I would rather jam knitting needles into my ears!!! Someone needs to put them out of our misery :dead:

  31. Penguin Pete Avatar

    [Comment ID #83552 will be quoted here]
    I’m scared to click on the video of the day. “Final Countdown” Surely, not that song!

    Hey, Dave-meister, “songs we all hate” really needs a post all of its own!

  32. nessa Avatar

    Imagine the shocked audience, when poked the last time he exploded on camera.

  33. nessa Avatar

    Video of the day: While the band’s away, the groupies will play…