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36 responses to “Detroit bumper stickers”

  1. StevieC Avatar

    UAW: Overpaid and underworked, but we’re still on strike

    UAW: Who needs skoolin when you got a union

  2. Nik Avatar

    UAW: U Ain’t Workin πŸ™„

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Home Sweet Home
    (crib got repossessed)

    DonÒ€ℒt Glock it till youÒ€ℒve tried it.

    Support our Snoop

    My meth customers are all

    Save the Bail

    Guns DonÒ€ℒt Kill People,
    I Kill People.

    I Brake for Welfare Officers.

    Honk If You Canadian

  4. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I’d like to leave a clever entry, but my parole officer needs to use this computer… :wtf:

  5. AnnieB Avatar

    UAW: Unbelievable Airheads Whine

  6. Spud Avatar

    2 cool 4 skool

  7. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    It is NOT pronounced Day-Twah.

    Detroit aims high. Head shots kill quicker.

    I souport publik edukashun

  8. StevieC Avatar

    Detroit – We been doggin’ that ho since Snoop was a puppy.

  9. scamper95 Avatar

    U.A.W. Useless Auto Worker

    U.A.W. Unemployed Auto Worker

  10. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    My other car is a bicycle. πŸ™„ :wtf: :wtf:

  11. MRDOUG Avatar

    UAW Uniion And Wrecked (financialy)

    Detroit: Please dont leave, someone needs to pay for my pension

    Detroit:#1 in homicides!

    Detroit: Living the liberal welfare dream

  12. AnnieB Avatar

    Honk if you’ve never seen a fun fired from a moving vehicle.

  13. AnnieB Avatar

    … or a gun. πŸ˜›

  14. Car1EF Avatar

    What’s with all the anti-union talk? πŸ™

  15. Meagan Avatar

    If you lived in Hell, you’d be home by now.
    Run like you got a stash of weed in your pants and the cops are chasing after ya.
    You’d be safer in Canada.

  16. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Unless you’re a hemorrhoid, get off my ass!

    I drive like this to PISS you off!

    Don’t blame me, I tried to warn you.

    How’s my driving? Call 1-800- EAT SHIT.

    AnnieB, since you know what hell is like, I assume
    you’re from Alabama.? :kiss: πŸ‘Ώ 😈 :wang:

  17. Drusky Avatar

    Detroit – our baseball team has one thing in common with Michael Jackson: Wearing only one glove just for show…

    U.A.W. – U Aren’t Working

    U.A.W. Striking and costing G.M. untold amounts of money and potential sales revenue just to show them why they SHOULDN’T move their factories to another country where the work will be welcomed, cost less, and possibly have less trouble with workers…

    One I actually saw… My kid can kick your honor student’s ass…

  18. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    My Kid Was Culprit of the Month
    At Michigan Federal Penitentiary

  19. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #201956 will be quoted here]

    Silly. Everyone knows Hell is in Michigan.

  20. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201952 will be quoted here]

    We’re not anti-union, we’re anti-UAW

  21. Natalie Avatar



    I think those were the ones I came up with on AIM. Close enough, anyway.

  22. StevieC Avatar

    Detroit – Could Be Worse. Could be Flint.

  23. Astryd Avatar

    How do you celebrate Stinky Bath Day?

  24. Astryd Avatar

    Does the Sultan-of-Cleveland have to be there? ❓

  25. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201999 will be quoted here]

    Have a burrito (or two or three) along with a few Coronas to wash them down. Wait 3-4 hours and then fill the tub. Your body will naturally turn it into a bubble bath and mission accomplished.

  26. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect


  27. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #202001 will be quoted here]
    Cast iron tubs work so much better for this. You get more of a amplified, church bell quality to the fart than fiberglass… 😈

  28. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #202012 will be quoted here]

    Sounds like the voice of experience

  29. TimM Avatar

    I still have a sticker I bought for a clunker I had, but never managed to put it on the car. It says “MY OTHER CAR IS A PIECE OF SHIT TOO!”

  30. James Avatar


    What Would Scooby Do

  31. Astryd Avatar

    Mine says: Don’t Piss Me Off, I’m Running Out of Places to Hide The Bodies

    DBS: Don’t Piss Me Off, I Won’t Even Bother to Hide The Body

    [Comment ID #202001 will be quoted here]
    [Comment ID #202012 will be quoted here]

    That’s why I love you guys! πŸ˜†
    Always willing to educate me in such things.

  32. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #202057 will be quoted here]

    We’re willing to video the experience too! 😈 :wang:

  33. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #202020 will be quoted here]

    You never really seemed to be a fiberglass man, cars or otherwise… πŸ˜†

  34. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #202057 will be quoted here]

    Just you wait until we reach the ‘extra credit’ part of the lesson… πŸ˜›

  35. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #201936 will be quoted here]

    Just too cool

    [Comment ID #202003 will be quoted here]

    Took me a little while to get it, but BRAVO

  36. the frogster Avatar

    Just wanted to point out that due to the violent and scary nature of some of these stickers, the fact that I was, in fact, born in Detroit gives me tons upon tons of street cred. If anyone wants to join my posse they’re welcome to, if they make the cut.