Death of Pooh, Part I

Death of Pooh, Part I

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29 responses to “Death of Pooh, Part I”

  1. Davezilla Avatar

    [ Apologies for the large file size. ]

  2. Dante Avatar

    I always envisioned Pooh’s death involving a blender, Tigger, and a whole lot of Tequila.

  3. Mandy Avatar

    Pooh needs a hug.

    And a casket.

  4. Spud Avatar

    I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, I have been shocked, no, stunned would be a better discription by this news.

    Pooh is dead?

    They killed Pooh??

    Those Bastards!

    I may never recover my inner balance…


  5. Spud Avatar

    On the other hand…

    I *heart* it!

    you sick mutha!


  6. Commando Stacy, Official Davezirra Bad Kitty Avatar

    Not to worry, y’all …

    … if Pooh is as old as he is, he’s kinda like Superman.

    Even when you think he’s dead once and for all, somehow, he keeps coming back to life, and you just. can’t. seem. to. get. rid of the bastard!

    Not unlike Lassie, and not unlike any of the other so-called cutsey-wootsey little characters in kid culture.

    I dread the day that Barney comes back. (It’s bad enough that Michael Jackson is still hording the news.)



  7. L Avatar

    Note the ‘part I’. Is there a ‘Death of Pooh’ sequel coming?

  8. kismet Avatar

    I wonder how many kids are gonna be scarred by this when it comes up on a Google search. 😈

    I’m also curious about any hate mail you get from this.

  9. rust Avatar

    Winnie the Pooh doesn’t know what to do
    Got some honey bees stuck in his lungs
    I found him there lying dead in the park
    and no one knows how to help or revive
    So I left him and went to ask the owl (if he’s there)
    How to empty bees from the lungs of a bear…

    So help me if you can, I’ve to get
    Pooh out of danger if I can!
    You’d be surprised how much can be done!
    Count all the bees in the hive!
    Chase all the flies from his eyes!
    Back to the days of the Grim Reaper and Pooh!Back to the ways of the Grim Reaper and Pooh!
    Back to the demise of Pooh!

    Apologies to Kenny Loggins

  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Death of Pooh – Part II. Easy to illustrate, just replace the bees with flies.

  11. Mandy Avatar

    Bravo, rust! :kiss:

  12. DK Avatar

    You just may burn for this one… LOL:lol:

  13. GrumpySimon Avatar

    Any Red Dwarf fans here?

    Lister: Hang on. These guys aren’t Nazis — they’re all wearing different period costumes. There’s one looks like Al Capone, there’s another like Mussolini, Richard III, Napoleon. Smeg, it’s like all the worst people in history have been brought together in one place. Oh my God, there’s James Last! I recognize him from
    Rimmer’s record collection.

    Cat: What are they doing?.

    Lister: Well, just lining up in … in some kind of firing squad. Woah Woah! Hang on, hang on. Someone’s being brought out, they’re tying him to a stake. It’s Winnie the Pooh.

    Cat: What?

    Lister: Winnie the Pooh, I swear! He’s refusing the blindfold.

    Cat: They’re tying Winnie the Pooh to a stake?
    Sound FX of gun shots.

    Lister: That’s something no one should ever have to see.

  14. ariel Avatar

    dear grumpy simon, i would have to say that one visual of the nicest, stupidest little bear like character dying is enough
    you bastard!

  15. TinaMarie Avatar

    Dave, the Pooh’s looking a little bloody.

    I’ve always heard that bloody pooh is cause to see a proctologist immediately. ❗

    Have fun! 😈

  16. GrumpySimon Avatar

    Dear Ariel,

    My pleasure :mrgreen:


  17. Spud Avatar

    Oh c’mon already daveidge! give with Part 11

    The Pooh Resurrection


  18. CJ Avatar

    Mmmmmm, Honey covered bear.

  19. Merth Avatar

    As Comic Book Guy would say, “Best… Death… EVER!”

  20. Davezilla Avatar

    Fear not, Spud. Tomorrow is Part II. :twisted::sad:

  21. Fran Avatar

    I knew the pursuit of honey could be dangerous but I never imagined it would kill Pooh.

  22. Minnie Avatar

    Three days later, Pooh rose from the dead and decided to stay away the wine.

    Then, he found the beer.

  23. Minnie Avatar

    err… wine was supposed to read honey. 😳

    Oops. I am not drunk on honey wine honey!

  24. Kirk Avatar

    Pooh died! Pooh-p! 🙁

  25. Pink Avatar

    “Oh bother”, said Pooh one last time.

  26. craig Avatar

    Now I want to see piglet on a rotisserie over a nice, open flame. I can just hear the crackling sound of liquid fat bubbling forth out of his crisp skin.

    Damn, still an hour until lunch, too. 🙁

  27. Esther Avatar

    I say, damn, that was f*cking highlarious!:twisted:

  28. rust Avatar

    Yes, that damned owl should be STUFFED on a perch, and EEYORE taken before the courts and sentenced to hard time for life. Actually, I think he would like it, he’s always checking his posterior.
    And TIGGER, that little bouncing menace should be taken apart at the seams and have his insides replaced with lead shot. Then we’ll see if he can bounce… grrrrrrr…

  29. M&M Avatar

    Too traumatised to be witty, but a wonderful site to share…..