Davezilla has moved! is back

Back in 1994 I started this site as a place to store cartoons and anagrams I did of celebrities. I miss doing that. I had a very small, but dedicated audience. I’ve gotten away from that, more to photos, links and videos. My audience is much bigger as a result. I want to go back to my roots, but not lose you, dear readers.

So I have a solution.

I started posting Davezilla comedy on my new Tumblr blog. You can find me there, several times a day now. Meanwhile, this site will be redesigned as an anagram site once more. Please follow me on Tumblr now, but I hope you like both sites.

UPDATE! Comments are now enabled (using DISCUS) on the new site, so you can begin your filthiness once more!

The address is http://captiontime.tumblr.com/. Please follow! I’ve posted 12 times in the first two days.


7 responses to “Davezilla has moved! is back”

  1. GUPPY Avatar

    You should keep this website the same and start a new website about the other stuff, I have a link to THIS website on my homepage and now I will have to adjust my homepage(If I can figure out how to do that) to this other site!!!!! 😈

  2. StevieC Avatar

    Geez, we put your name at the top of this site and now you feel like you own it. Oh wait …. never mind.

    Looking forward to going back to the anagrams. Now with the tumblr blog there will be more Zilla enjoyment. Hopefully, some of the current categories will follow; the Freaks and WTFs are a couple of my personal favourites.

  3. Davezilla Avatar

    Oh yes, I plan on making the Tumblr site into nonstop entertainment. Freaks will resurface as a whole new site this summer (shhh!)

  4. Meagan Avatar

    It’ll take time to get used to the change, but I’m sure we’ll all be happy to see new content. Saving new website into my favourites folder now. 😉

  5. chainstay Avatar

    Are you sure that the world is ready for TWO Davezilla sites?
    I am not sure but I think this was one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
    If nothing else, a lot of people are not going to be getting their work done.
    I, for one, can’t wait!

  6. Sammy Avatar

    Man! Change SUCKS so bad 🙁

  7. Chris Avatar

    If Mandy is there, I’ll follow you anywhere Dave.
