Captiontime #221

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57 responses to “Captiontime #221”

  1. AnnieB Avatar

    Now that’s a wedgie! ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. scamper95 Avatar

    Damn I bet that hurts

  3. ZenReaper Avatar

    :wtf: ouch…

  4. Suzi Avatar

    Good lord. I thought “thong” and “wedgie” were synonymous until I saw this.

  5. Infernos Avatar

    Something about a camel toe from hell comes to mind here ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  6. Drusky Avatar

    Suddenly, an awful vision of cutting open a clam with a bandsaw comes to mind… ๐Ÿ˜› :wtf: :dead:

    A caption? Oh Yeah…

    The thong that went wrong…

  7. Drusky Avatar

    Dave, Why isn’t the video of the day a topic on it’s own?

    The person in the video could be the above pictured girl seen from the front… :limp:

  8. ospirin Avatar

    I’m too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my thong
    So sexy it hurts

  9. hoatzin Avatar

    [Comment ID #227015 will appear here]

    [S]he apparently likes mushrooms

  10. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Seems she might be…um…looking for her contacts?

  11. Steve W Avatar

    Damn she took the thong song a little too seriously.

  12. Jay Laverdure Avatar
    Jay Laverdure

    Mandy, I told you last time: You don’t HAVE to get dressed in the dark…

  13. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    That ain’t the bread thong you promised you’d wear!

  14. Meagan Avatar

    It was a dare. She had to show him her thong and lick his pants. He just didn’t think she’d do it like this. :wtf:

  15. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    :wtf: Wow! If she can do that she has on grannie thongs! :puke: Someone! Quick! Get that poor person another box of floss! :limp: And here we have Britney’s new line of strait jacket, in a modern barely there look in classic white.

  16. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    Damn she’s cheeky!

  17. janeeto Avatar

    Mary said to Jack, “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.” Jack, thinking this was going to be his lucky night, quickly unzipped his pants as Mary went to the restroom. Jack soon realized that Mary wasn’t playing with a full deck. :limp:

  18. janeeto Avatar

    RE: Video of the day: Why is he wearing a gas mask over his junk? Side effect of eating wild mushrooms?

  19. Russ Avatar

    A little to the the left… A little closer… now gag! :wang:

    From this angle who cares what she looks like.

  20. Spud Avatar

    Floss anyone?

  21. hoatzin Avatar

    Wicked Weasel, makers of fine micro bikinis and popular with onanists everywhere, announces their new spring collection: Wicked Painful Weasel

  22. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #227119 will appear here]

    Your ability to cut to the chase is laudable. ๐Ÿ˜› :kiss: :wang:

  23. Mjaz Avatar

    Calories aside – here are some of the (arguably) grossest canned foods:

    Make sure to try the bird-nest (aka bird-puke) soda, and the silkworms in gravy.

  24. Bigwavdave Avatar


    Well I think so, but wouldn’t putting a thong backwards and over your shoulders be illegal in Canada?

  25. Mjaz Avatar

    hmmmm – link didn’t work – trying again:

    If it doesn’t work again, I won’t continue to spam, but trust me.. there is some nasty shit people will put in their mouths – beyond the obvious =P

  26. TimM Avatar

    My sister has a tramp stamp tattoo just like tha…….. OMG..Debbie?!!

  27. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Unsurprisingly, the “Blind Girls Gone Wild!” franchise didnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt really catch on.

  28. Nicolette Avatar

    Makes me wonder what look is on the guy holding the beer’s face? I mean did he think he was going to get lucky, and then start to freak out……. :wtf:

  29. junkman Avatar

    this really is the thin edge of the wedge.

  30. swankboy Avatar

    Corn on the cob: hard to get out of your teeth harder to get out of your…

  31. DaPopster Avatar

    Thar’s gonna leave a nasty rash …………. :wtf:

  32. StevieC Avatar

    That’s not a thong, those are reins for beer guy to control the canter. :wang:

  33. Russ Avatar

    [Comment ID #227262 will appear here]

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. You can pee on my leg anytime just don’t make me call you a bitch. I don’t know you that well. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜›

  34. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Winner, Knob-gnawer #5, Westminster Show, Best of Breed. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜›

    AnnieB, you little bitch. :kiss: :wang: :wang:

  35. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Funniest G-string video I’ve ever seen…

  36. Pablo Avatar

    The golden rule goes for wedgies as well.

    It is better to give than receive.

    And is it appropriate to wear the white thong on this side of Labor Day?

  37. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #227323 will appear here]

    How dare you! I’ll have you know that I’m a COLOSSAL bitch. I don’t do ANYTHING halfway! ๐Ÿ˜› :kiss: :wang:

  38. bud Avatar

    “One more tug on these shoulder straps, and I should be able to yank out whatever is stuck up there…”

  39. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #227345 will appear here]

    Many pardons, babe. Does this mean you won’t pee on my leg?
    ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ :kiss: ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  40. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #227314 will appear here]

  41. Maven Avatar

    Looks like she’s emulating Borat’s thong.

    I wonder if she shaves her ass like he does…

  42. Robert Baker Avatar
    Robert Baker

    I think it’s a sling shot device…..but I’m sure what it’s shooting, or where it’s aimed ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  43. rjbaker Avatar

    I think this is a form of self-propulsion. The thong propels the ass into
    the head. Recto-cranial inversion! ๐Ÿ˜€

  44. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #227352 will appear here]

    One golden shower coming up … arf arf ๐Ÿ˜›

  45. Dragonhose Avatar

    Can you hear me now?

  46. Dragonhose Avatar

    I don’t think this things working.

  47. AnnieB Avatar

    What do you mean? Do you think it’s supposed to talk back to you or something? ๐Ÿ˜€

  48. Mr Doug Avatar
    Mr Doug

    …and this resulted in the worlds largest camel toad….

  49. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #227727 will appear here]

    Hey, they most always talk back to me! I’ve been trying t o dry my leg. :wang: :kiss: ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Happy V Day to all you Zilla Vixens. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  51. Marcus Avatar

    I didn’t know you could wear dental floss :puke:

  52. StevieC Avatar

    Ok, she’s been here for three days – hose her down; she’s done.

  53. Dragonhose Avatar

    [Comment ID #227727 will appear here]

    He told her it was his new zipper cell phone.

  54. Dude Avatar

    [Comment ID #227284 will appear here]Is this a very subtle Rush reference? If it is…sweet.

  55. Maven Avatar

    I’m just envisioning the damage that high-pressured thong could do to an errant hemmorhoid that dared to see daylight.

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