This is an odd one. Almost a challenge presented by the vehicle owner. GODSABL. I have no idea what this is. Here’s some suggestions. Let me know yours.
- God’s A Big Lesbian?
- God’s Always Buying Lunch
- God’s A Boring Lecturer
- Gods And Breasts Lactate
- God! Shit Always Backfires, Lately.
What do you think GODSABL stands for?
5 responses to “Caption Time #305”
Go On Dick Some Ample Breasted Ladies
God’s a bologna lover
Go Disable!! They are clearly rooting for disabled peoples!! 8)
Mentally or physically disabled? ❓
Go disable what?
God’s a bull?
God’s a bully?
God Sable? No, Sable may be a goddess, but not a god.
God’s Able? To do what?
Go On Down South And Beat Losers? Well, that could take some time.
Gays On Detroit’s Southend Are Better Lovers?