Caption Time #264

Caption Time #264

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19 responses to “Caption Time #264”

  1. Drusky Avatar

    “Banzai Away! – The Story Of The Japanese Bobsled Team”

  2. Mandy Avatar

    tokyo olympic upskirt team!!! :knickers:

  3. Nicolette Avatar

    That is going to be one hell of a gang bang! Costumes need work though….. 😯

  4. fruf Avatar

    ah so …the japanese justice league with helmets with nipples
    whats with the boots?
    the oriental muff diving team get set

  5. Patrick Avatar

    Re: video of the day- 01 01 01 001 001 001 0001 0001 0001 000001 000001 000000001 11111 000000! :wang: Was it good for you too?

  6. chainstay Avatar

    No really, what are they?
    The backwood cousins that the Power Rangers never acknowledge?
    Well, whatever the hell they are they sure look happy.

  7. Mandy Avatar

    [quote comment=”584320″]Re: video of the day- 01 01 01 001 001 001 0001 0001 0001 000001 000001 000000001 11111 000000! :wang: Was it good for you too?[/quote]
    i love it when you talk nerdy to me. :geek:

  8. Drusky Avatar

    Rejected Tron Costume Ideas…

  9. Spud Avatar

    Failed contestants from the Japanese Micky Mouse Club, with their mascot and goodtime girl.

  10. LittleMissMeep Avatar

    Sailor Moon – Behind The Stage… :wtf: :wang: :knickers: :wang:

  11. janeeto Avatar

    It’s as if the pants spell out “HAH HAH”….

    What’s with 2nd from right: Forget to remove your napkin/bib? :limp:

  12. Master Solace Avatar

    Wait……I think I’ve seen this episode before…the only good part was the ending……

    Wait for it…
    Wait for it…
    Wait for it…


  13. Timm Avatar

    Honshu Prefecture(state) Police officers display their new uniform. Some officers are displeased, one was quoted as saying, “We rook rike herl!”

  14. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    The cast from the failed Japanese TV spin-off: The Mighty LSD Powerplant Operators

  15. DaPopster Avatar

    MXC tryouts ……… 😉

  16. Brooklyn R. Avatar
    Brooklyn R.

    S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!

  17. AnnieB Avatar

    Publicity photo for the new futuristic Planet of the Apes movie! 😛

  18. Lung the Younger Avatar
    Lung the Younger

    The day before the director of the Chinese Space Agency openly came out of the closet.

  19. Lounge Puppy Avatar

    It’s Morphin’ Time. 😥

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