Caption Time #260

Apologies for the lack of posts; I have been away on work-related travel with a shaky connection to the Inter Webs.

Caption Time #260
Caption Time #260


41 responses to “Caption Time #260”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    k after bleaching my eyes from the caption pic, i ventured into that hoodie thong. my brain needs an enema now. :puke:

  2. Patrick Avatar

    I am at a loss for words, and that is saying something. Brain enema- good idea. Bleaching my eyes- also good idea. Gouging my eyes out with a dull wooden stick-probably not enough to remove that disturbing image from my brain! He looks like some demented action figure.

  3. Mandy Avatar

    also, he has bigger :boob: :boob: than i do. :wtf:

  4. swang Avatar

    :limp: :limp: :limp: :wang: :thong: :thong: :boob: :knickers: :knickers: :wang: :limp: :limp: :wang: :boxers:

  5. Meagan Avatar

    O. M. G. That is SO not the picture I wanted to see before I go to bed. :wtf: :puke:

  6. Sherri Avatar

    All I can say is WTF?!?! 😯

  7. Bear Avatar

    [quote comment=”539042″]All I can say is WTF?!?!

    Ditto WTF x 2. I have to shut down my computer now. I am sure to have nightmares.
    Very very disturbing…

  8. rust Avatar

    Ok, everyone, say hello to the World’s Next Superhero! FATMAN!

    Yes, it’s FATMAN, who can incapacitate the evil-doers of Calorie City with his mighty FOLDING FLESH! Watch FATMAN rush ruddy-faced into the fray, foiling the nefarious CELERY STALKER with his pendulous pecs! FATMAN uses his ham-handed sausage fingers to pound the HAMBURGLAR (no connection to Ronald McDonald) into extra-lean tartar. No diet can stop him! No meal plan can satisfy him! Just keep the candy-bars out of reach of …


  9. Nina Avatar

    the fat ugly off-spring of Arnold the Govinator and the three breasted chick concieved during filming of Total Recall

  10. Spud Avatar

    I have a sneaking suspicion that is female, not male…

  11. StevieC Avatar

    Time Machine Man had the unique ability to make different parts of his body move at different speeds. “If only I could get a tighter fitting suit” he thought ….

  12. StevieC Avatar

    RE: Hoodie Thong – she’s white and posing with trash. Nuff said.

    RE: Vista – best way to install it is with the word “NOT” in the sentence. I recently upgraded my Vista laptop to XP and couldn’t be happier.

    RE: Dave’s apology – very kind of you sir, but we’ve been left to our own devices in the past and are usually fine … that is, until the batteries run down.

  13. Nicolette Avatar


    I bet that guy loses snack cakes, the TV remote, and small pets daily in his fat folds! :puke:

    He looks like he’s about to jump on someone. Glad it’s not me! :dead:

  14. StevieC Avatar

    Power Tits! Engaged!

  15. fruf Avatar

    look out he may flap himself to death

  16. AnnieB Avatar

    Enraged after being called Whale Fatso, Blubber Boy charges his nefarious heckler with murder in his beady eyes and revenge on his mind.

    Or is he just headed for the buffet?

    You be the judge…

  17. kheas Avatar

    is this guy trying out for the role of the Blob in the new X-Men: Wolverine movie? They should cast him!!!

  18. Patrick Avatar

    [quote comment=”539036″]also, he has bigger :boob: :boob: than i do. :wtf:[/quote]
    Mandy, that’s just proof positive that bigger doesn’t mean better. And besides, you have a great ass! That ‘whatever it is’ just has a great big ass. Big difference, huge difference, umm how do I get out of this reference? Okay I got it- Mandy you have a LOVELY ASS! Thanks for sharing.

  19. junkman Avatar

    isn’t this the moment where we need indy to pull out his revolver and drop him on the spot?

    p.s. mandy said “i ventured into that hoodie thong”. photos please :boob: :boob: :wang:

  20. Avalon Avatar

    He\she hulk caught on camera mid morph

  21. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Wait – – – can fat have muscles?

    Maybe he’s in a wind tunnel?

    Are we sure that’s not some alien head in his torso with eyes that look like man-tits?

  22. sexy jamie Avatar
    sexy jamie

    Just give it a slap and enjoy the ride. Would any one venture to lick his nipples? They are the size of dinner plates!

  23. junkman Avatar

    …….his name is robert paulson…….his name is robert paulson…….. :dead:

  24. pookazilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”539036″]also, he has bigger :boob: :boob: than i do. :wtf:[/quote]
    After thinking of Mandy’s tits, the image of that pic magically disappeared. :wang:

  25. Don Avatar

    Ur all wrong, he’s the oakland Raiders quarterback

  26. Mandy Avatar

    [quote comment=”539159″]p.s. mandy said “i ventured into that hoodie thong”. photos please :boob: :boob: :wang:[/quote]
    sure, why don’t i curtsey with no panties on while i’m at it? :mrgreen:
    [quote comment=”539312″]…….his name is robert paulson…….his name is robert paulson…….. :dead:[/quote]
    [quote comment=”539351″][quote comment=”539036″]also, he has bigger :boob: :boob: than i do. :wtf:[/quote]
    After thinking of Mandy’s tits, the image of that pic magically disappeared. :wang:[/quote]
    happy to help!!! :kiss: :kiss:

  27. Phoenix1313 Avatar

    Damn, Dave! I haven’t even had my coffee yet. Talk sbout coyote ugly, I don’t think I could drink enough to end up in bed with that in the first place.

  28. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”539312″]…….his name is robert paulson…….his name is robert paulson…….. :dead:[/quote]

    … and he lives on in our hearts! 😛

    100% agree with Mandy, well done junkman!

  29. Rufnkdnme Avatar


  30. junkman Avatar

    [quote comment=”539528″][quote comment=”539312″]…….his name is robert paulson…….his name is robert paulson…….. :dead:[/quote]

    … and he lives on in our hearts!


    100% agree with Mandy, well done junkman![/quote]
    i feel like i’m in the middle of a love sandwich. i guess i’ll have to eat my way out! :wang: :wang:

  31. junkman Avatar

    oops. couldn’t get the second wang going. how is that not like real life!

  32. Drusky Avatar

    Victim of a evil curse, King Kong Bundy suffers his nightly transformation into Rosie O’Donnell… :wtf:

  33. Timm Avatar

    The “Kid With Hair-dryer” photo looks extra cute now.

  34. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    [quote comment=”539051″]I have a sneaking suspicion that is female, not male…[/quote]
    Now THAT is a truly disturbing thought …………. :puke:

  35. cornbot Avatar

    So glad the photo does not have scratch-and-sniff capability.

  36. lee Avatar

    good lord. that can;t be real. it … it … it just can’t

  37. pookazilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”539393″][quote comment=”539159″]p.s. mandy said “i ventured into that hoodie thong”. photos please :boob: :boob: :wang:[/quote]
    sure, why don’t i curtsey with no panties on while i’m at it?

    [quote comment=”539312″]…….his name is robert paulson…….his name is robert paulson…….. :dead:[/quote]
    [quote comment=”539351″][quote comment=”539036″]also, he has bigger :boob: :boob: than i do. :wtf:[/quote]
    After thinking of Mandy’s tits, the image of that pic magically disappeared. :wang:[/quote]
    happy to help!!! :kiss: :kiss:[/quote]
    Do we have stereo Mandys here?? What a thought!! :wang: :wang:

  38. AnnieB Avatar

    Drusky, I can’t read your avatar. Does it say…

    Don’t make me…

    kick your ass and then stick this bat up it?

    tell you about my days playing for the Yankees?

    Aw jeez, that’s all I can think of. :limp:

    Where’s Astryd when we need her, for Pete’s sake. :wang:

    @ junkman… are you out yet? 😛

  39. Davezilla Avatar

    Testing out the new comments preview button. :geek:
    Everyone please try it and let me know if you have any problems. Preview appears below the button.

  40. StevieC Avatar

    Hmmm …. comments preevu. That meens no more typos or splelling mistakes. We can even check to see that our :wang: is standing at attention before we send it out for the world to see.

    I give this feature two perky nipples (in keeping with the theme of this post) :boob: :boob:

  41. Mandy Avatar

    [quote comment=”543935″]Testing out the new comments preview button. :geek:
    Everyone please try it and let me know if you have any problems. Preview appears below the button.[/quote]
    it’s very cool, dave. now we will never make missteaks.