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49 responses to “Caption time #26”

  1. Tian Avatar

    “I came in peace, oh, do you have any seams that needs a touch up?”

    perfect for Bender from Futurama.

  2. Spud Avatar

    “HEY MAVIS!, Which wall did you want the paint off again?”



  3. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    The Elephant Man gets a Queer Eye makeover…

    “I am not a Hoover vacuum cleaner!”

  4. wisconsin Avatar

    ReV. JeLlYbrAIn tries to prove he is NOT a no talent hack.

  5. wantwit Avatar

    this guy is lucky he’s in california so he doesn’t have to receive a “texas pardon” like this poor chap:

  6. Obi One Kebabi Avatar
    Obi One Kebabi

    “Use the Force Luke”
    “Give in to the Dark side”

  7. girl Avatar

    “Brainy Smurf… I am your father.”

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Actually I pride myself on being a no talent hack………….:lol:

    Could be worse….

    I could have no talent and live in Wisconsin.


    P.S Have you guys got instant on/off lighting yet? Or is it just a rumour?

  9. Wes A. Wiens Avatar

    girl kinda touched on this one but…

    “Ed’s Smurf Extermination Service”

    Fa LA La La La THWACK!!! :dead:

  10. Anna Avatar

    Rev, is he not nice to you? Shall I beat to no-good Wisconsian to a pulp for you?

    Anyway to comment on the picture:
    “Honey, sex toys are fun, but this is ridiculous!”

  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Due to a staff shortage in the state of Texas, death row inmates are now expected to kill themselves using the new “Electrokill” headset.

    Robert here however……

    Just can’t seem to find a spare plug socket at the moment.


  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    After having his uniform stolen by Luke Skywalker and an inspection planned for tommorow morning……

    Capt Nobby Rocket had to come up with a way to fool Lord Vader…..and fast!


  13. mikeB Avatar

    I could have no talent and live in Wisconsin.
    SLAM! :mrgreen:

  14. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Dear Dave & Natalie,

    After receiving and E-Mail from MCBK asking for a public apology regarding me copying comments that I misguidedly found amusing, from her site to yours.
    I feel that I must apologise to YOU for my thoughtless lack of understanding with regards to “internet courtesy”. But as you all know, I’m not as “netlike” as you people so I didn’t do it out of ill will or nastyness. I’m sorry for my ignorance.

    This morning I posted my resignation from guest blogging on Motor City Bad Kitty as to be 100% honest I’m actually not enjoying it any more. I’m sorry Stacy for squandering “the privilege of writing for you” and “my chance for a larger readership”.

    No reflection on Stacy who is a wonderful person, but I hope that I could still maybe have a column on Davezilla when you redesign, as it’s more my thing.

    Deeply sorry Dave & Natalie.

    Hope You can forgive me, but if you want me to live in exile, I understand.

    Please not Wisconsin thought! They will hang me.


    P.S Natalie I do like Canadians too, I was only joking about not liking them.


  15. Davezilla Avatar

    It’s no big deal, ReV.

    Web Rule #1:
    Ignore the trolls. They always crawl back into their caves when no one responds to their f/lame comments.

  16. Keith Avatar

    “Hey Mom! UPS finally brought my home proctology kit!”

  17. Nikki Avatar

    Rev gets 50 points for the Star Wars reference, and 100 for slamming Wisconsin. :java:

  18. Mandy Avatar

    “Here, kitty kitty….”

  19. rust Avatar

    In order to assure the success of Plan “B” – the secret plan to turn back the clock and lose the Second World War and allow fascism to take over the land of the Free – AMTRAK has decided to review each passenger’s retinal pattern before rifling through their personal papers. Officials say that the temporary measure, a personal crusade of Colonel Dick “Clink” Cheney, head of the Security Staff (SS), will go into effect immediately and probably never go away. Cheney’s plan is to protect American interests on the rails of the Nazion while stripping everyday people of their god-given human rights. The Anti-Terrorist Agent shown here is equipped with a protective faceplate to shield his eyes from the dangerous laser beam emitted when scanning the subject. Experts estimate only 20—25 per cent of AMTRAK passengers will suffer permanent vision impairment under the new orders.
    In an unrelated story, Great Leader BUSH has successfully paralyzed the South American nation of Chile. His Greatness took over the security forces in a thrilling plan to rid the world of the communist^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hterrorist threat. Chile is the world’s largest producer of COPPER, essential material in the production of missiles and other pacification tools.

  20. Natalie Avatar

    Why are you apologizing to me, Rev? You have no reason to, you’ve never offended me. :kiss:

    You can come and live in exile in Canada. At least we have decent tea. :mrgreen:

  21. An Interested Party Avatar
    An Interested Party

    Am sorry to have to do this Dave & everyone but unable (due to banning) to post comment to Stacy other than here. Do not like doing this but have no option.

    The Interested Party honestly does not have any valid email addresses that can be given out (other than work ones)

    *Have to enter email address on MCBK
    *Want to write comment
    *Can’t give work one due to possibility of written warning
    *Have to make one up. Only option. Sorry.

    Do feel that a ban for this is a little unfair.

    Apologise to all Davezilla readers for this interuption & any spelling mistakes

  22. rust Avatar

    Natalie: the TEA! Red red RED ROSE! (only in Canada? pity!) or even TETLEY (no, reV, not TITLEY). I am so frikkin sick of the goshdarn (oh wash my mouth out with some ZEST©) crappy LIPTON (gack) “TEA” (ggggack) in this country…. cripes, give me another NoES-CAFÉ while yer at it… where’s a TIM HORTON’s when you need one?

  23. Merth Avatar

    A fashion statement in and of itself. The mask does not match the pants.

    He could be trying to imitate the short lived “Welding Insect Villian” comic book series.

  24. Esther Avatar

    “Ok, now what do I do?”

  25. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Dr.Stephen Jones considered himself a genius after the patent for his ”electric toothbrush” idea was accepted, but after borrowing $80,000 dollars from the Mafia to produce the prototype………

    He realized there was a serious flaw in his initial design.


  26. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    :wang: “AAAWWW, COME ON, HONEY!! You said you’d TRY it if I bought it!! HONEY?? DAMN!” :limp:

  27. simoon Avatar

    Smurf goo. Ewwwwwww.

  28. Albino Neutrino Avatar

    “It’s only a spider … it’s only a spider … it’s only a spider…”

  29. wantwit Avatar


  30. Natalie Avatar

    He is TEH FETT.

  31. Spud Avatar

    It’s obvious that this is the prototype of a new CoH super hero.

  32. Spud Avatar

    Also, I kinda liked Mandy’s caption…

  33. Esther Avatar

    ‘CoH,’ Spud? Help me out here, buddy.

  34. Ilsa Avatar

    “Sir, you have paid for our full body spray-on tanning service and we are going to provide that to you but we reserve the right to protect our employees from the sight of your naked body”

  35. Mandy Avatar

    lol @ Lisa’s. 😆

  36. Davezilla Avatar

    “I don’t know how it happened. I was using an ATM when it attacked me and parasitically attached itself to my head.” :dead:

  37. plopsie Avatar

    Warning a man with NO penises approaching.

  38. mikeB Avatar

    Failed Hollywood FX
    Shown above: The first Cyclon costume was considered not too convincing.

  39. TinaMarie Avatar

    The new “G-Spot Tickler” from Ronco was so effective that they included a “splash mask.” 😛

  40. mikeB Avatar


  41. Spud Avatar

    CoH = City of Heroes Esther

    I think there was a topic or link for it here awhile ago.

    People dress up like their screen alter ego or something like that.

  42. Davezilla Avatar

    Uh Spud? <url> isn’t how you code a link. 😛
    It’s <a href=””>TEH link</a>

  43. Spud Avatar



  44. Spud Avatar

    I knew that, yeah I really did.

  45. Mandy Avatar

    world’s smallest penis pump :wang:

  46. mikeB Avatar

    “Mr. Villa? Bob? I can’t see a damn thing in this.”

  47. Tassö Avatar

    He must be the friend of the batman

  48. John Avatar

    Bob so enjoyed the smell of his own farts he had a special helmet made to make sure not one wiff went unappreciated.:wtf:

  49. Dave too Avatar
    Dave too

    “Gort, klaatu barada nikto.”