Caption Time #259

Caption Time #259
Caption Time #259


38 responses to “Caption Time #259”

  1. C-stYle Avatar

    Mork and Mindy’s first and only child. Receiving a transmission from Mork’s parents.

  2. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Whatever you do…Don’t push that button!

  3. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”535736″]Whatever you do…Don’t push that button![/quote]
    That was my thought as well. 8)

  4. tony Avatar

    Look at the big brain on Brad!!!!!!!

  5. Bear Avatar

    “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER”…or I push this button and the overloaded plug behind me will incinerate your earth…

  6. Lounge Puppy Avatar
    Lounge Puppy

    Before there were blow dryers.

  7. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”535755″][quote comment=”535736″]Whatever you do…Don’t push that button![/quote]
    That was my thought as well. 8)[/quote]

    Push the button and it switches from blow to suck.

  8. wiccanfaerei3 Avatar

    today I take control of my hair…. tomorrow – THE WORLD!

  9. rust Avatar

    My ex-sister had one of those… it was so cool to play with. It had those little grommetted air outlets that, if you could cover them with your fingers, the bonnet would expand to lift you right off your chair.

  10. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”536060″]My ex-sister had one of those… it was so cool to play with. It had those little grommetted air outlets that, if you could cover them with your fingers, the bonnet would expand to lift you right off your chair.[/quote]
    am going to be stuck at “ex-sister” for a while, now…. :wtf: 😯 😮 ❓

  11. Phoenix1313 Avatar

    “What are we going to do tonight, Brain”
    “The same thing we do every night, take over the world!” 👿

  12. Timm Avatar

    Richard Simmons – August, 1958

  13. Spud Avatar

    Puny humans, we will control your minds with our larger brainss! I push this button and you will all be mine…… mwahahahahaaaaa!

  14. Lung the Younger Avatar

    You see, this is why all baby pumps should be made child proof and infant inflation should always be adult-supervised.

  15. Lung the Younger Avatar

    One of the extras in the upcoming film adaptation of ‘The Wasp Factory’ takes time out in his trailer.

  16. Bigwavdave Avatar

    A Jiffy-Pop experiment gone terribly wrong…

  17. fruf Avatar

    Is that a baby jamaican ganja hat ? Are there dreads under there ? Hey Mon

  18. Bigwavdave Avatar

    ‘Scuse me while I light this spliff…

  19. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Y’know, reality isn’t all it’s cracked-up to be. You want a taste of reality – go look in your teenager’s bedroom…

  20. Patrick Avatar

    [quote comment=”535756″]Look at the big brain on Brad!!!!!!![/quote]
    At a very early age, Brad figured out how to alter the machine so it sucked instead of blowing. Brad spent the rest of his life in blissful solitude!

  21. Meagan Avatar

    Damn kid stole my idea for world domination! 👿

  22. AnnieB Avatar

    Call me stupid, but isn’t that hose supposed to be attached to that thing on his (other) head? 😯

  23. RaeVynn Avatar

    Where did you get that photo of me, Dave?

  24. junkman Avatar

    geez. how many cords does it take to unfester a kids snood? :troll:

  25. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [quote comment=”536885″]Call me stupid, but isn’t that hose supposed to be attached to that thing on his (other) head?

    You are SO BAD…And I love that about you! 😎

  26. Bill Avatar


  27. Nina Avatar

    This is what happens when you get the hair dryer and the unpatented youthinizer mixed up 😯

  28. Kristi Avatar

    Toad begins his daily milking routine at the castle of Princess Peach.

  29. Drusky Avatar

    Dolly Parton’s breast pump falls into the wrong hands… :boob: :boob:

  30. changinlatitudes Avatar

    What kinda scares me is the New York City subway map sitting in front of him/her/it.

  31. StevieC Avatar

    That cap looks a bit like an overfull, ready to explode, diaper. I guess that would officially make that kid a shithead.

  32. AnnieB Avatar

    [quote comment=”537898″]That cap looks a bit like an overfull, ready to explode, diaper. I guess that would officially make that kid a shithead.[/quote]

    Maybe he’s gonna heat it up and have it for lunch… you know, recycle.

    With this economy, times are tough so it could eventually become a case of eat shit or die.

    :wtf: I couldn’t decide whether to go with gross or political, so I just did both. 8)

    @ Bwd :kiss:

  33. Rebekca Avatar

    “Doctor why is his head not shaped as a cone like mine?” “I do not compute his odly shaped head to be of our speicies, he must have been switched at birth” :troll:

  34. junkman Avatar

    so that’s how they made the talosian’s in star trek ❗

  35. junkman Avatar

    oops plural not possessive 😳

  36. diesel Avatar

    Experiments showed that small children would keep pressing the Spongebob Squarepants button until their heads exploded.

  37. Mandy Avatar

    [quote comment=”537898″]That cap looks a bit like an overfull, ready to explode, diaper. I guess that would officially make that kid a shithead.[/quote]
    winner! :kiss:

  38. Joe Zadorsky Avatar
    Joe Zadorsky