Caption Time #255

Caption Time #255


30 responses to “Caption Time #255”

  1. StevieC Avatar

    Note to self: Never visit Royal Oak on any road trip.

  2. Mandy Avatar

    oh jeebus!!! that’s not good. haven’t had coffee yet. :wtf:

  3. Spud Avatar

    “When masquerade parties go horribly wrong”

    ‘I took a wrong turn, yes I took a wrong turn yesterday,
    now look at what it’s done to me…

    I’m on mah way, ah huh ah huh aha ha,
    I’m on my way from misery to happyness today…

  4. julesOdeNile Avatar

    Dude! Dave, warn people about these things, would you! i don’t have the spelling for the word that just came out of my mouth! and you don’t have an emoticon for it either

  5. Bigwavdave Avatar

    The restroom at Katana?

  6. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Mom? Dad?

  7. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Now remind me, which one is the TV evangelist and which one is the Republican congressman?

  8. fruf Avatar

    Madonna fans gone wild

  9. Patrick Avatar

    [quote comment=”447953″]Now remind me, which one is the TV evangelist and which one is the Republican congressman?[/quote]
    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

  10. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”447953″]Now remind me, which one is the TV evangelist and which one is the Republican congressman?[/quote]

    The one on the right is the congressman. He’s got a “wider stance”.

    You know, I took another look at the picture (which is a scary thing to do) and the room looks like it was designed to be hosed down with a power washer. {{{shudder}}}

  11. junkman Avatar

    Pinky: “Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?” The Brain: “The same thing we do every night, Pinkyβ€”try to take over the world…..of ass blasting.”

  12. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Further evidence of the creeping dilution and shallowness of the gene pool …….. 😯

  13. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Two of AnnieB’s old boyfriends. These two should definitely be hosed out of the room . :wtf: :puke: ❗

  14. Drusky Avatar

    Hollywood wastes little time after Mr. Blackwell dies… 😯

  15. rust Avatar

    [quote comment=”447943″]Mom? Dad?[/quote]

    Dad? Dad?

  16. StevieC Avatar

    The Obviously Gay Irish Duo – Patrick Fitzgerald and Gerald Fitzpatrick.

  17. Jarrel Avatar

    Mandy could make those outfits look good.

  18. LambChopper Avatar

    Regarding the Video, I’d rather see Natalie and Rashida play with their kitties… :wang:

  19. Bec Avatar

    Kids: this is your brain on drugs. 😯

    Were these the people who were stabbing their sushi like shish-ka-bob?

  20. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”448326″]Hollywood wastes little time after Mr. Blackwell dies… 8O[/quote]
    What, me worry? 😐 :wtf: πŸ™‚ πŸ˜›

  21. Meagan Avatar

    “You know what you need? A good skull f-king!”

    I’ve been watching too much Robot Chicken lately. πŸ˜›

  22. Drusky Avatar

    [quote comment=”448475″]Mandy could make those outfits look good.[/quote]

    No, despite Mandy’s many levels of hotness, the only way to make those outfits look good is with a match and gasoline. and yes, I’ll avoid the obvious line about the wearers already being flaming…

    [quote comment=”448514″]Kids: this is your brain on drugs. 😯

    Were these the people who were stabbing their sushi like shish-ka-bob?[/quote]

    Kids: This was the parent’s DNA on drugs. ❗

  23. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”448117″]Pinky: “Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?” The Brain: “The same thing we do every night, Pinkyβ€”try to take over the world…..of ass blasting.”[/quote]
    please sir Mr. Junkman, I like Pinky and The Brain, i ask that you kindly refrain from creating any further mental images that would cause an innocent (thirty something years old) man to shudder every time my favorite show comes on by associating these unfortunate freaks with them. thank you for your kind consideration and prompt action on this.

    yours Sincerely,
    πŸ‘Ώ πŸ˜€
    Jules(JEWELS – as in NUTS) o de Nile.

  24. junkman Avatar

    sorry jules…..i did it to myself too…..hitting “say it” before fully thinking it through. i propose we shift blame back over to dave for posting this in the first place? πŸ˜‰

  25. Rufnkdnme Avatar

    Coming soon (bad choice of words?) to Pay Per View next month…the Flaming Picachu Brothers enter the ring to compete for the WWF Tag-Team Wrestling championship.

    Gay? No…just happy to be here.

  26. ShiftyTim Avatar

    Hey….nice nipples! :puke:

  27. Timm Avatar

    If that picture was taken in the former East Germany PLEASE PUT THE WALL BACK UP!

  28. Mark Avatar

    This is an annoucement for safe sex.

  29. Master Solace Avatar

    Taking the term “Costume Ball” alittle TOO seriously…

    Whoever came up with the phrase “a sight for sore eyes” might need to try again, because this sight is so flaming my eyes are burning…….sore eyes bad thing 😈

  30. tinamarie Avatar

    After years in syndication, Tinkie Winkie decides he needs some new friends to hang around with. 😯