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30 responses to “Caption Time #178”

  1. sledge Avatar

    so thats where my fish hook went.Greenie noo..

  2. Mandy Avatar

    I thought this was funny, but it’snot. :mrgreen:

  3. junkman Avatar

    “If you run that through some cheesecloth, that’s a perfectly good shot.”

  4. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #182401 will be quoted here]

    That’s fuckin’ funny – Here’s my quarter

  5. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Plaid and Argyle? You must be mad! :puke: :puke: :puke:

  6. Bigwavdave Avatar

    The 86 Rules are mostly true. I speak from experience.

  7. StevieC Avatar

    Image search result for “Snorting a line” on

  8. Drusky Avatar

    All it takes is a really big sneeze to go from snot to Christmas tree tinsel. 😈

  9. Drusky Avatar

    Thank goodness he missed the beard or he’d look like Orson Wells…

  10. Brad K. Avatar

    Mary pissed herself laughing. Here John had been ragging her ass all day about this party, about how he didn’t want her getting shit-faced and embarrassing. And she had been moderate, enjoying the evening up until.. See, John had been salting ice cube all night. And Mary had reminded the Plaid Plague that too much salt, would come up. But did John listen? No-o-o. Now, on only his third glass of wine (whine?) and second salt shaker, John quietly demonstrate how one fails to hold their liquor.

    At least the stain likely won’t come out of that hideous ‘heirloom’ sweater. If she can’t get it thrown in the dust bin, maybe at least John won’t wear it in public again. And it was his own freaking Mother that caught the moment on her cell phone camera! Maybe the Mother-In-Law from hell will climb off her broomstick for a while.. Right, and Mary figure John would quit nagging sometime this century, too. And then turn into a leprechaun and hauk a solid gold lugie. But at least there is tonight!

  11. larfus Avatar

    brain drain

  12. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Chuck Norris in a still from “Tough Guys Don’t Know How to Cry – IV”

  13. pablo Avatar

    At the auditions for Star trek 117, Russell Crowe tries to fill James Doohan’s shoes as the the Chief Engineer. Unfortunately his copy of the scrip read Snotty instead of Scotty.

  14. Dino Avatar

    So you finally got ahold of my prom picture.

  15. Meagan Avatar

    Joe was happy not to be suffering from anal leakage anymore, but he soon found he was leaking from somewhere else. :wtf:

  16. bill Avatar

    dam, a broken head gasket

  17. skotrik Avatar

    So, that’s where they get artisan water. 😐

  18. Spud Avatar

    Heh, tequila will do that to you everytime.

  19. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #182498 will be quoted here]

    So that’s why the guys won’t tell me what I looked like after I had the shots tequila…..

  20. Patti Avatar

    good one!


  21. Patti Avatar

    good one!


  22. Patti Avatar

    good one!


  23. The Natural EMP Avatar
    The Natural EMP

    Screen shot from Tori Amos’s vid for Caught a Light Sneeze

  24. nanner Avatar

    This man looks like Russell Crow.

  25. nanner Avatar

    This man looks like Russell Crow.

  26. metalmom Avatar

    WOW! Taking that shit really took alot of effort! :wtf:

  27. Keith Burgin Avatar

    “So who’s next for anal sex? I’m not quite full yet.”

  28. Seo digger Avatar

    It is similar on hemingway. Too with a tube 🙄

  29. Astryd Avatar

    Rules of Boozing
    75. Beer makes you mellow, champagne makes you silly, wine makes you dramatic, tequila makes you felonious.

    Being Mexican I have learned the trick here is not to get caught. 😈

  30. Elliot the Dunk Avatar
    Elliot the Dunk

    Momo the Human Anglerfish.