Caption Time #177

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30 responses to “Caption Time #177”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    Oh Dave. You are such the Hottie McHothot. First day back in color and you dress like a Gay Caballero.

  2. Master Solace Avatar

    “Look kids….it’s Zorro, new spokesman for LaBarely Fashions”

    “See I told you Zorro was a gay blade”

  3. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    Nice Sword!! :puke:

  4. junkman Avatar

    dave may be blending in with the crowd today by wearing veridian or a strong chartreuse. what’ll it be dave? enquiring minds want to know. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  5. junkman Avatar

    oh yeah, caption……”mothers day in hell” :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek:

  6. Spud Avatar

    Goddamn it, I hid those pictures in a really safe place. 😑

  7. sledge Avatar

    Only in Texas

  8. cbatdux Avatar

    I think I see Waldo in the crowd. Or is that Whitey Bulger?

  9. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Oh, please in the name of all things sacred and humane. I beg you, nay I implore you. Please tell me that heÒ€ℒs not moonwalking.

    P.S. I honestly think that my Toddler-a-pult would have made a funnier video.

  10. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Spiderman 4: Revenge of Doc Uck

  11. Driver Avatar

    Yeah but can he bust a move like Napoleon Dynamite?

    Is ther realy a world market for kansas tumbleweeds :wtf:?

    Squirrel-a-pult, all that good meat TOSSED away what a waste. mmmmmmmmm fried squirrel

  12. Bigwavdave Avatar

    What’s up with all the green? Was this St. Patirck’s Gay…Uh, oh I mean Day?

    So glad the Squirrel-A-Pult was shot from all possible angles. I wonder, does the same squirrel come back over and over?

  13. Bigwavdave Avatar

    ROCKY! (Right?)

  14. misterarthur Avatar

    Antonio Banderas celebrates joining AARP in a big way; wonders why crowd isn’t looking at him. Happy blubber’s day.

  15. pablo Avatar

    It made more sense when I thought it said “Le Barfly”

  16. Antilos Avatar

    Zorromania? 😈
    have you ever come across a real zorro (may be at clubs, in the street)? πŸ˜†

  17. Meagan Avatar

    I see Zorro is the new spokesman for LaBarely Man Thongs. :wtf: :puke:

  18. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #181624 will be quoted here]
    Damn it, I thought the sign read Le Barfly as well.

    I mean, the sign says “For the Less Discriminating Lady” which is quite fine as I can whole heartedly subscribe to this theory, it could have been a place where maybe I could possibly sometime in the future perhaps have had a chance.

    Why do people always find it nessacary to shatter illusions, I was quite happy to believe it read Barfly, actually I could understand the sign and costume et al as a Barfly advertisement, now, now I’m very confused.

    The squirrel-a-pult was pretty funny stuff.

  19. Mikeme Avatar

    Democratic front runner. Barf vader! :wtf:

  20. armymn205 Avatar

    it’s ho bo Zorro walkin back to the mental ward (hopefully) :wtf:

    definatelly not a :wang: picture

  21. Astryd Avatar

    He could have at least sucked in his gut…

  22. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #181673 will be quoted here]
    That IS sucked in… The only suction that would help THAT belly is liposuction. 😈

    Caption…Hmmmm….How about:
    Dave holds a parade to announce that his probation ended. Not everything is black & white… πŸ˜†

  23. Elliot the Dunk Avatar
    Elliot the Dunk

    Is he wearing moon boots?

  24. Sara Avatar

    he must be outta his mind πŸ˜›

  25. Cynical Villain Avatar
    Cynical Villain

    only in the Dallas Metroplex can we find something like this…almost make me proud to be living here. I wonder how many women are going to be heading there for their girls night out to see Biz-Zorro the hottest stripper in Dallas.

    let me try to say this without laughing… 8)

  26. Cara Avatar

    So this is Zoro After fifty.

  27. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Zorro, my ass. That’s that creature from
    Cleveland. Wonder what’s in the bag? πŸ˜• 😳 :wtf: πŸ‘Ώ

  28. G Keith Burgin Avatar

    Having somehow become separated from his Secret Service detachment, and fearing for his safety in what was clearly a liberal crowd, Mr. Cheney attempts to blend in.

  29. Jay Laverdure Avatar
    Jay Laverdure

    To quote Bobcat Goldthwaite:

    I took my mother to the Gay Pride parade- in San Francisco, you know? Uh… I didn’t really tell her it was a parade- I jusy kept saying, “Boy, it’s really crowded today!…”

  30. StevieC Avatar

    Hey Dave,

    My apologies for the late congrats on being able to wear colours again. As a suggestion, you may want to expand the wardrobe to something more than just black and red though.

    This is actually Zorro’s lesser known cousin (on his mother’s side), Zero.