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Show 22 Comments


  1. Tabbie

    And here we thought it was safe to go back in the water… :wtf:

  2. Gladia

    Can’t you be still for one minute?? HELP!!! I’m falling, the question is will I be able to get up….??
    On fun underwear, What’s fun, just a picture……?
    I thought it would be at least , I don’t know, suggestive or maybe, showy…..!!

    😈 😕 😆

    Sorry don’t mean to be so negative, it wasn’t wht I was expecting though..!!!! 😛

  3. Spud

    Arial Trapeze Artistes – Trudi & Heinze Needermier practising one their flawless routines in the safety of the pool.

  4. junkman

    “seahag drop kicks unsuspecting bluto”
    “holding breath fails to repel urinating female water zombie”
    “surfacing horny manatee interrupts dead esther williams in million dollar mermaid finale”
    “ho jo pool yeti startles blue angel”
    “blown bumbershoot lands mary poppins on shoulder of aquatic yard ape”

  5. Shrubby

    This photo was taken moments after Dr. Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula from ‘Quantum Leap’) ‘lept’ into the body of James ‘Bubba’ Duncan, boyfriend of Lola Peterson. Lola works down at the local gentlemen’s club and is working on a new ‘routine’. The caption simply reads, “Oh, Boy!”

  6. Flash Gordon

    Brunhilda was highly irate and disgusted when she
    caught Bruce wanking in the pool. :limp: 🙄 😕 :wtf: ❗

  7. cbatdux

    Brett works to improve his 50M butterfly time while dragging his favorite blow-up friend “Vanessa”.

  8. Bjorn Freeh

    Not satisfied with the pace of water polo, Buffy and Buck practice water kick-boxing, a demonstration sport at the London Olympics in 2012. Buck is Buffy’s third partner, as she lost the others to TKOs in the deep end.

  9. Atryd

    The rage of the female species.
    He called her a nasty whore…
    She sought revenge.

  10. Mitch

    Male Flatulence cited as cause for woman’s sudden ejection from the pool.
    While not suffering any injuries, the young lady now has a fear of Truck Drivers, Boiled Eggs, and that scene in “Blazing Saddles”.

  11. That is the #1 reason I don’t like to swim…..evil glowing-eyed rejects from the Master of Horror’s “The Fair-Haired Child” might just eat me……….

  12. Oh wait…..caption…..uh…….

    “I wonder if exorcists like to swim too”

  13. Proof that if I hold my breath long enough, scantily clad women DO fall from the sky.

  14. pablo

    Shamu was tired of being a nice guy. He thought to himself, “This bitch is getting tossed”

  15. Mikeme

    Oh my GOD, It’s a death fart!!

  16. Coley

    “When Susie told John to blow it out his ass she didn’t quite comprehend the ramifications of that action” :wtf:

  17. sledge

    Foley huck! I can’t believe the death fart is alive and well. This is proof positive that cousins should not marry

  18. cows go moo

    part vampire and part swamp thing, she kills her victims with a quick blow to the neck, then sucks out the blood and feeds the leftovers to her larvae

  19. Mandy

    Attack of the Zombie Sluts from Planet 12

  20. mikeB

    Borgo, the eyeless sea troll shows off my juggling a sea hag on his buttspout.

  21. Atryd

    [Comment ID #84106 will be quoted here]

    Ha Ha!! LOVE IT!!!

    Being stonger and more agile with her legs and feet, the Sea Crone holds her prey still as she prepares to stab them with her bee like stinger that seems to extend from her anus. It’s fluid camouflage matches her watery habitat and fools unsuspecting by-standers to dismiss it as a splash of water. Sightings are not often reported because people are not usually aware of it. Attempts to capture the Sea Crone have proven futile, therefore, in depth information is currently unavailable.

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