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Show 40 Comments


  1. Spud

    That is wrong in so many ways, I don’t know where to start.


  2. Nunu

    Ok, I understand the whole “stupid stuff on your t-shirt” idea, but that’s taking it a bit too far….

    And Dave, it’s about damn time someone sent you that video! I’m quite surprised it wasn’t up sooner

  3. buh…. wuh … fuh …

    words to your moms i came to drop bombs i got more lyrics that tha bibles got psalms! word! BOOYAH! so jump around jump around get off ya feet an jump around!

    i’m pretty sure that guy is wearing a shirt of his face. which is so weird i don’t even really know what to think, except it’s kind of mesmerizing like those pictures where if you stare at them long enough you can see a sailboat except in this case you keep thinking you’re going to see someone who has a life. which he doesn’t. he prolly spent a couple hundred bucks on that shirt when he shoulda given it to his baby mama.

    i like the fact that his other face has the ‘can you smell what the rock is cookin” eyebrow raise that hints he’s about to open a twelve-pack of whoopass on someone.

  4. Infernos

    Behold the power of the ego

  5. Kirk

    Bling Bling ….. why does the face on the shirt look SO MUCH better than the actual face? …. Bling Bling :wtf:

  6. abbi

    its kinda sad that howeva ugly he looks on the tshirt hes even uglier in reality! and you can tell that they really tride on the tshirt n all!

  7. Patrick

    A truly sad case of self-esteem deficit as evidenced by the compulsive need to seek identity through grossly inappropriate labelling of personal items.
    Plus, that big dumb dope is still lving in his mommy’s house. Get a real life moron! Tru dat! Word to yo mama. And for him the word is “go clean your room Melvin before I put my size 7 up your natural ass!” ” Aaah mom, I was hangin’ wit my homies.”

  8. Amanda B.

    What is with the video????? OMG!!!!! :wtf: :puke: :dead:

  9. ‘Today’s Prom Rig’

    Melvin explains how glad he is that his Prom rig was ready, and the picture taken before he got the hickey from Monica that is *this big*. And it is true, the boy’s neck looks like two mufflers and a curling iron fell on him. I recognized the scarf (I gave it to his mother to keep her hair from the beauty shop to Piggly Wiggly and then home last May), and he says Jo (his date tonight) won’t mind. Kids today. I no longer try to guess what they will accept and what will irk them. My own Prom tux was rented, but that was another time.

    I just hope that he don’t get lucky tonight. Maybe that wacko shirt will accomplish that much for me.

  10. Stevie C

    If you look at the airbrushed image on the t-shirt, he’s not weariing a t-shirt with an image of himself on it. What’s up with that? :wtf:

  11. Da Popster

    Thank you for reminding me once again why I moved to the remote country. Used to see this stuff on a daily basis and I now realize how much I do not miss it.
    :puke: 🙁

  12. Check out my new threads, yo! I be pimpin’!
    No you’re not. 🙄

  13. Timm

    Yo Yo Yo! IF cousin Kevin can play dat so can I. Watch out world, here comes Kyle Federline.

  14. joe

    [Comment ID #76307 will be quoted here]

    he’s not? or is that a typo?

  15. Mandy

    “My :wang: is this big lady.”


  16. ganicutie

    No, no, no, you have it all wrong, that’s his conjoined twin. Sadly they share too many organs to seperate them, so they have made a fashion statement of themselves. You know, since side show jobs are so hard to come by.

  17. Flash Gordon

    Dam! I’m too cool for school. Someone should pull that douch-bag’s
    bandanna a whole lot tighter. :limp: 😕 :wtf: :puke: :puke: 🙁

  18. Coal-burnin stove, no natural gas,
    and if that ain’t country, I’ll kiss your ass.

  19. Drusky

    Kinda has a Austin Powers feel to it. You know, Big Dick and Mini Dick…

    The only reason I can see for the tight scarf around his neck is to keep the foreskin from creeping up over his face…

    I wonder, if he turned around would you see the back of his head airbrushed on the back of the shirt? 😈

  20. Drusky

    [Comment ID #76327 will be quoted here]

    😆 😀 😆

  21. Irish

    If women had shirts with their faces on them, maybe guys could get away with not looking directly into their eyes….

  22. cait

    i think his name is Teflon (check out the bottom of the shirt)… thats pretty sweet

  23. cbatdux

    Does the tattoo on his arm say “Limit one f*$(ing moron per household”?

  24. paul

    Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.

  25. oh SNAP! I done broke offa cap in de po’po’s hiz-ass, mofo, an’ i WILL do the same to yo ass. WORD!

  26. Problem here is if Melvin ever gets a hard on, his portrait will look like it’s got a tiny wart on its throat.

  27. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #76436 will be quoted here]

    Wouldn’t (I was tempted to type “wooden” – ok i did) that make it an Adam’s Banana?

  28. Ace

    Man, today’s post is a doozy Dave.
    Now I’ll be singing Yatta! in my head all day long. Their performance on Jimmy Kimmel has subtitles that translate the song, I very much recommend it, find out who thinks water is tasty!

  29. phud

    WOW Two assholes for the price of one.

  30. Drusky

    [Comment ID #76436 will be quoted here]
    More likely a flea bite…

  31. Totally not as bad at the time I was making out with this guy and he took his shirt off and I saw this tatoo of himself on his chest…which I thought was kinda egotistical….

    turned out…it was a tattoo of Jesus! DOH!

    I made out with Jesus.

  32. You made out with Jesus, Tara?!?
    Well you shouldn’t have been in East L.A. in the first place.

  33. Avalon

    I played cornhole this weekend at the UK game.

  34. Myra

    This guy needs to go on “How do I look?” because he totally needs a wardrobe makeover.

  35. Myra

    Yatta – the Japanese version of the Village People.

  36. Chicky

    It looks like that MUGATO guy from Total Recall. Except bigger and a little less prettier.

  37. mesmereyes

    Spud, you can start with the way his hands are positioned

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