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27 responses to “Caption time #11”

  1. Stacy, the motor city bad kitty Avatar

    It may sound absurd:but don’t be naive
    Even Heroes have the right to bleed
    I may be disturbed:but won’t you conceed
    Even Heroes have the right to dream
    It’s not easy to be me
    /Five For Fighting

  2. Spud Avatar

    Superman’s other suit.

  3. ReV.JeLLYBaBY Avatar

    Help I’ve gone blind! CANT SEE PICTURE! Help, Help!

    Is that a donkey I see before me? OMG it has long ears. How queer. I don’t understand the logic, but suddenly I must buy them all!

    Seriously though, I would cross breed my donkey with a cat, rather than another “boring” donkey, thus creating my own mighty beast.

    The DONCAT!

    Just imagine coming home from work to find your very own DONKAT waiting for you in the tree outside your house. A few seconds later it would be there on the sink waiting for a bowl of cat food nestled on a bed of hay. Like spaghetti bolognaise, but with straw and cat food instead.

    Wouldn’t that be just grand?

    Anyways, while I sit here dreaming of my very own pet DONCAT I’ll leave you guys and gals with something almost as good.

    One of my world famous jokes…….

    “Did you hear the one about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?”

    “He lays awake all night……wondering if there really is a Dog.”

    P.s I wonder if a DONKADOG would be easier to housetrain?


  4. Frisko Avatar

    Is this another nifty neighbor of yours Dave? If so, this one might cause need to worry or move in my humble oponion.


  5. fictionman Avatar

    Well, I guess we know how he’s voting come November…

  6. Spud Avatar

    “Big Ears once again found himself alone and friendless standing in the closet, he wanted to cry but thought the better of it, instead sighed and resigned himself to to humiliation of the other students…”

  7. Mandy Avatar

    Is that John Kerry’s mascot? Why the long face?

  8. ReV.JeLLYBaBY Avatar

    The audition for “A Midsummer Nights Dream” didn’t go as planned.

    How come I always have to play Bottom? moaned donkeyboy.


  9. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    Just another jackass in a suit!!

  10. Lisa Avatar

    It’s a bird
    It’s a plane
    It’s SUPER ASS!

  11. wookiee Avatar

    Eeyore had made a name for himself in the business world, but at what cost? He could never again go back to the Hundred Acre Wood he helped turn into a strip mall.

  12. ReV.JeLLYBaBY Avatar

    How he still longed to feel Piglets warm embrace again or the tender touch of Christopher Robin on a hot summers day.

    Eeyore knew he had done so much wrong, but in his heart he thought maybe…just maybe, there was still hope.

    “Should I call them?” he mused as a large wet tear trickled down his greying cheek.

    But as his Swiss bank account grew daily.

    So did their hatred towards him.

  13. Natalie Avatar

    I always used to like Eeyore. Now he just scares me.

  14. Esther Avatar

    What an ass.

  15. Nikki Avatar

    You are what you eat.

  16. tj Avatar

    don’t you people know a MULE when you see one? sheesh … all these ass jokes when it’s clearly a mule.

  17. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    well, TJ, just another MULE in a suit wouldn’t be as humorous, would it?!?!


  18. rust Avatar

    Uhhhh… Pinocchio meets Superduperman?

  19. Frances the Cockatoo Avatar
    Frances the Cockatoo

    Nikki wins.

  20. Ilsa Avatar

    He should have known better than to take the army up on it’s offer of free plastic surgery.

  21. TinaMarie Avatar

    Holy shit, Dave! How did you get a picture of my boss?

  22. angie Avatar

    I told you to wear the Don Quixhote costume!

  23. Karan Avatar

    Winner: 1942 Lost Mascot Award

  24. Steppenwolf Avatar

    The ‘brayns’ of the company was a distant relative of the Elephant Man.

  25. Mandy Avatar

    Dave, don’t tease us with a picture of a nice ass.

  26. Blake Avatar

    And I’m not wearing any pants either, baby.