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Show 50 Comments


  1. It will be named as “King Chi” instead of “kimchi”.

  2. Spud

    Who leeked in the truck?


  3. JFLY

    WOW…That’s a really small truck! Wait…no wonder, it’s a Honda. 😀

  4. Trey

    The license plate is blocked out. I bet that truck is specifically meant for modifying stolen genetically modified vegetables.

  5. Randy

    Sprouted in Brussels?

  6. Becky

    Lunch time!! woot woot :mrgreen:

  7. mitch

    Bubba finally got up the nerve to take Cousin Lulu for a spin on the farm.

  8. djemm

    If you think thats big wait till you see my carrot!!! 😈

  9. frisko5

    I would guess that Woody Allen is the truck driver.

  10. Becky

    Eggs in hats… word comment…Why?

  11. Ron

    [Comment ID #37034 will be quoted here]
    Because the hash browns are already in my pocket.

  12. Cecilia

    Looks like someone has got a big headlol:

  13. brainchallenged52

    The Great Chinese Cabbage Escape Starring Steve McKimchi

  14. Holy fluck! That is one big fowl. Explain that to your insurance company…

    “Excuse me, sir, but my 1982 Datsun has been overthrown by a giant chicken.”


    (random cut to next scene)

    Number 37…the Larch.


  15. Eliztric

    Hooray, waffles! :java:

    Caption: CSI photo of body found. Suspect: Eclipse gum; card found inside glove reads “When we find bad breath, we kill it.”

  16. Marcus

    The winning vegetable at yesterday’s county fair was disqualified for being genetically modified. It turns out that politician DNA was combined with it to make an even larger vegetable as the two are closely related.

    You guys always say I am fucked up. Well, I will never make egg hats. Osiris, that woman is either smoking more than I do, has too much free time, or is related to the vegetable in the picture. 8) :wtf:

    Happy Waffle Day!!! Let’s go to Waffle House and celebrate. 😛

  17. Anita Mann-Badley

    Everything grows bigger in the White House garden… they have an endless supply of fertilizer.

  18. mikeB

    I’m so glad you lettuce caption this, ‘ZIlla. I was vegging out right before I saw this.

  19. Meagan

    “Holy bok choy, Batman!” ❓

    And why the hell do eggs need hats?! And sweaters?! :wtf:

  20. [Comment ID #37048 will be quoted here]

    Yep…and that’s Dick Cheney’s truck.

  21. Becky

    [Comment ID #37056 will be quoted here]

    Hm didn’t I say that..LOL

  22. scamper95

    The kumchi must have been grown by a demucrat, sinch they are full of shit and spread it well. As for hats on eggs, someone is smoken to much crack

  23. crazed and dazed

    lmao, who has the crack? 😈 😈

  24. [Comment ID #37061 will be quoted here]

    Yes you did…and you already know that my head is messed up right now…and why…so my apologies.

  25. I’ve got it…………..

    Headline of the newspaper tomorrow:
    “Person Gives Big Head in Bed of Truck”

    Sounds like an Arkansas newspaper to me…………….

  26. And I warn you…my posts may be really messed up for a while, so if I don’t make any sense, bear with me…I don’t make any sense at all right now……..

  27. [Comment ID #37062 will be quoted here]

    Hm, three spelling errors in two sentences. Dems may be full of shit, but at least they finish high school. 😈

  28. The eggs in hats site looks like one of those family planning school projects gone completely obsessive.

  29. benendetto

    wow next time eat an egg it better be wearing full pirate regalia

  30. the children cried everytime their father did the grocery shopping

  31. It’s choy!

    Attempting to disguise the eggs isn’t going to get me to eat them.

  32. jen2bird

    I wonder if her lizards in scarves have ever tried to eat the eggs in hats? Americans have way to much time on their hands. 😀

  33. JFLY

    Huevos warmers… 😛

  34. Ms Puppet Launcher

    Extra from Attack of the KIller Tomatoes? :wtf:

  35. Alex.r.

    The stork called in sick today. They had to use a pick up truck to finish the deliveries.

  36. Timmmy

    Fresh produce from Chernobyl Farms.

  37. Jim

    “Person Gives Big Head in Bed of Truck”

    Sounds like an Arkansas newspaper to me…………….

    It worked for Clinton in the Oral Office!


  38. Paige

    “Lettuce” all pray for the idiots who actually ordered those stupid egg hats. :troll:

  39. Calcul8r

    Proof that “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” was a documentary, not science fiction movie.

  40. travman

    don’t mean to be the know-it-all jackass, but it’s a head of nappa cabbage :troll:

  41. Ace

    Finally, a place where I acn get some decent clothes for my eggs! you don’t know how ashamed they are when they see that they have to wear is a box.

    In junior high I had to do this project where we had to look after an egg like it was our own kid, they thought it would give us a life lesson by showing us what it was like to be a parent, pshh! The most my partner and I did was to draw hair on it and make paper clothes for it.

  42. Ace

    ok, that should be “can” and it should be “when they see that all they have to wear…”
    Sorry for they confusion everyone, I’m on crack.

  43. [Comment ID #37546 will be quoted here]

    Obviously…better than the lsd…just asking…

  44. Da Popster

    Holy Crap, the right winger ‘publicans are gonna get high tonight !!!! 😛 :wang:

  45. Annie

    It’s funny how everything is related to politics now-a-days. Look at that picture of an abnormally large cabbage… it has obvious connections to the state of American politics. Not. 8)

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