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Show 29 Comments


  1. Frances the Cockatoo

    Stupid cat…and Dave, I’m starting to worry about just how close you have to get to your subjects. This is a little too close. I mean, what happens if the situation goes bad. Somebody could get hurt. Please be more careful. Sqworrk

  2. M’kay … I just checked out the “Blessing of the Breasts” link, and started looking up some of those passages in the Bible myself, and um … I’d like to know which Bible they’re reading, because while their quoted passages are close … no cigar there, folks. The author added a lot of references and pronouns in there to make it seem like how he/she intended it.

    (Sorry to be a party pooper.)

    But still… God bless my breasts.

  3. Hey, what’s to be weirded out? I’ve done that many times…

  4. That is not to say, suck on a black guy’s tit.

  5. Would it be frowned upon to do this while in flight, I wonder..?

  6. Spud

    I find that picture somewhat disturbing…

  7. but you don’t have to take my word for it…

    [/Reading Rainbow Reference]

  8. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    “Blessed are the PAPS and navels like a round goblin” and “ SAD is the man that whacks off to the Bible!” is all I can really say about that link.

    The guy in the photo however is actually a lot more disturbing, as I know for a fact that he has a dog too, but it appears to be out of shot?

    Wherever it is, he seems to be smiling rather too much for my liking, as he lies there amongst his animal concubines and even allows photographs to be taken of his acts of animal exploitation.

    Dave, I think Frances may be correct about the extremes you are going to with your subjects and one day you may be forced to participate in “feline felatio” or whatever the hell this sick bastards doing. Although taking pictures is bad enough!

    Imagine explaining that one to the judge! Err sorry your honor….I slipped and….errr…fell and my trousers fell off. Just then the cat jumped on my….erm.

    Face it. If the jury are animal lovers in the conventional sense you could be looking at ten to twenty as I’m not sure if an enthusiastic Meeeow is recognized under international law as a form of consent.

    Next time a strange black guy invites you upstairs to get some pussy. I hope you’ll think twice next time. In fact, I’m gonna be mighty disturbed next time someone says their going to meet there bitch to get some hot lovin.

    P.S Why does the hamster in the background have about 30 rubber bands around it?


    :boob: :boob:

    Blessed are the jugs indeed!

  9. For the record, I did not take that photo, nor do I know the participants. I found it while innocently looking up kitten pictures on Google.

    Excuse me, I have to bleach my eyes out again.

  10. Frisko

    Did you have to search for a long time on Google to come up with this one?


  11. mikeB

    “Damn that escort service has been sending over some strange pussy lately.” 😯

  12. Proof that cat’s love chocolate milk?

  13. Esther

    Goes without saying that you should love your pets, just don’t luuuuuv your pets.

  14. I’m glad I have a purely platonic relationship with my cat.

  15. Frisko

    After checking the link I am feeling oh so blessed to have the ReV. to save us from such horrors.

    I wonder if the guy in the picture had to put canned tuna juice on his chest to get the cat to participate in the cross species gig.


  16. I found it while innocently looking up kitten pictures on Google.

    I’m starting to wonder if Dave was googling something like “kitty” and “tits” in order to help make me a campaign poster …

  17. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow morning and not see that photo at the top of this site. 🙂

  18. I’m with Nikki. I keep coming back, trying to come up with something. I’ve got nothing, except probably nightmares tonight.

  19. Mandy

    I’ve nursed a beer but never a cat.

  20. Spud

    You know, the way Stacey talks about her boobs, I think a full panorama of them is in order to clear up any misconceptions, in a purely medical sort of way, um, yeah medical, that’s the word I was looking for…

  21. mikeB

    I agree. Everyone chant: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob: :boob:

  22. Okay, Spud, I’m going to work on it. Stay tuned. Icons are nice, but a panorama of my very own tits are coming. I just got home from a gig and I’m kinda drunk, so when I sober up, I’ll see about something. 🙂

    As Natalie Merchant says, “Hey, give ’em what they want!”

  23. mikeB

    Yay! Chanting works. Will they b e posted on Dave’s site or yours?

  24. Ok, probably mine. But let it be known that today as I read that, I have no recollection of EVER writing that.

    Oops. But … I aim to please the people. So we’ll see what I can do.

  25. mikeB

    Yes, you promised and we are patiently holding ourselves waiting for you to get butt nekkid find the time to take some nasty pics we can sell to teenagers lovely images.

  26. ::ahem::

    FOR THE RECORD — whatever pics of my tits I will let you have the pleasure of seeing, there will be NO NIPPAGE. There’s plenty of that elsewhere on the web, and this bad kitty’s gotta save some face boobage.

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