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Show 30 Comments


  1. StevieC

    Album art for the latest Stedged Zombies cd

  2. AnnieB

    Who let the dogs out? (Literally)

  3. The newest installment of the Resident Evil series where the Jehovah’s witnesses become infected by the Scientologists.

  4. Flash Gordon

    “If the blind lead the blind, they will still look

    Hey, AnnieB is your new avatar for all Zillaheads or
    just the assholes? (Zillaheads have no connection or
    resemblance to Dittoheads)

    When I was in high school, there was a guy with a
    two-headed schlong. Boy, was he popular. :wang: :wang:

  5. “Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiins, braaaaaaaiiiiiii – uh, wait. We want cheezburgers! Cheeeeeezbuuuuuurrrrrgerrrrrrrrrs!” 😛

  6. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #202224 will be quoted here]

    Hi darlin’ … for Zillaguyz/gurlz – love (heart) to fuck you, of course!

    Assholes … pretty much just – fuck you.

    It gets a little sticky when I’m the one who’s an asshole though …


  7. After a busy weekend of partying, the Marketing Department was always a little sluggish on Monday.

  8. t1nyturtle

    Evelyn and Arthur were *not* prepared for the welcoming committee in their new neighborhood…

  9. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #202231 will be quoted here]

    And a collective sigh of relief is heard throughout Zillaland.

  10. pookazilla

    Ohhhhhh weeeeeeeeee’re off to see the wizarddddd…. :wtf:

  11. Rush Limbaugh, Cokie Roberts, Eleanor Clift, Jay Leno, and Rev. Jesse Jackson tour with their lame parody of ‘justice for the Jena 6’. Don’t wait for the DVD.

  12. Have you been hanging out with the Project Managers at work again?

  13. mikeB

    [Comment ID #202231 will be quoted here]

    Ah yes. Fibre is good for that.

  14. Spud

    [Comment ID #202231 will be quoted here]
    You were gone?

  15. “People who really really really need coffee.”


    “Yes, they’re coming, but no need to panic. We’re tech support, we’re used to this.”

  16. Bigwavdave

    Hillary leads her minions towards Iowa

  17. Spud

    Porn of the Dead?

  18. It’s a pic from the new film, “Pimp of the Dead”…..

    Beware, they will screw your brains out……

    But I think he needs to get new employees first…. 😈

  19. “Better watch out for that female zombie out front; I think she’s in heat.”

    “Fat Bottomed Body Thetans Make The Galactic Confederacy Go ‘Round.”

  20. nanner

    Looks like some of these people had a long night at the Hard Rock Cafe’ with britney and paris and lindsey

  21. Drusky

    Microsoft unveils their new customer support contractors after India raised their minimum wage…
    Bill Gates stated “Sure, they’re undead but we needed to cut costs and they’ll work for an arm and a leg…”

    [Comment ID #202229 will be quoted here]
    and there’s nothing worse than a sticky asshole… 😈

  22. MRDOUG

    The orginal davezilla girl…how far we have come!

    Teamzilla on the way to starbucks to get more pics for the blog

    Davezilla’z latest group of converts for some reason refuse to wear all white all the time

  23. Just keeping in compliance with the Employment Descrimination Laws. ❓

  24. Now the first installment of LOLZombies!

    “Zombiez iz bleedin in publik skarez mee!”

  25. TimM

    Just looks like a average group of local citizens walking down the street in my city.

    (Now I’m REALLY not gonna say what city!)

  26. [Comment ID #202399 will be quoted here]

    CHICKEN!!! BWAK!!!

  27. StevieC

    [Comment ID #202406 will be quoted here]

    Don’t you mean Zombie Chicken?

  28. Ty

    Just another Manic Monday.

Comments are closed