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Show 54 Comments


  1. Mandy

    Oh dear, Dave. I just…. :dead:

  2. mikeB

    “Ahm dead sex-say!”

    Also, hi kids! Back from Europe. Noe I gotta ton of posts to catch up on. Missed every one of you :mrgreen:

  3. Past being scarred for life, I’ll never be able to listen to Primus the same again …

  4. Spud

    Fark, farking hell, fark fark fark…


  5. pablo

    Will Ferrel finally does something funny

  6. Jay Laverdure


  7. StevieC

    This definitely ain’t no ‘zillaguy and AnnieB will NEVER let him drop that hat.

    And Mandyzilla’s back!

  8. Chris S

    Jerry time… pretty funny stuff…the animations at least. πŸ˜†

    As for that pic… I guess we now know what the love child of Fat Bastard and David Arquette would look like.


  9. sledge

    humpty dumpty’s bastard uncle

  10. AnnieB

    OMG, he looks like the prototype for all the Don Martin characters in Mad Magazine! You know he’s got huge feet to complete the image. :limp: :puke: :wtf:

  11. Jesus, first The Proclaimers and now this. It’s a wonder that there are any uncracked mirrors in Scotland at all.

  12. AnnieB

    WELCOME BACK MikeB !!!! I wondered if you were maybe like ummm, dead or something. Glad you’re not! :wang: :wang:

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    Connor MacTavish, leader of the Aberdeen Pipe Band, slips into his cherry tomato costume for the Ketchup Day Parade. It’s been said that, with over 30 pipers, the pipe corps sounds as good as it looks.

  14. patrick

    [Comment ID #189790 will be quoted here]
    That’s him, that’s the guy! I always wondered where Don Martin got his ideas.
    Jerry Time was mildly amusing.:limp:

  15. Randy

    Aye me lasses and laddies, me lost these two fingers when I got a wee bit close to the hatchet. But alas, if you were unÒ€ℒta pullinÒ€ℒ these pants down, I would show ye I can still play wiÒ€ℒ this red bagÒ€ℒs pipe.

  16. Bigwavdave

    ‘E certainly ‘as quite a load in ‘is depends.

  17. Cindy

    MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!! :wtf:

  18. Joe-the-ragman

    I’m too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt Γ’β„’Βͺ Γ’β„’Βͺ Γ’β„’Βͺ


  19. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189758 will be quoted here]

    The hat I wouldn’t mind. It’s dropping his drawers that would freak me out! *shudders* :limp: :puke:

  20. harley

    [Comment ID #189701 will be quoted here]

    My first thought was damn that looks like Will Ferral,glad to know I’m not the only one. Also that is NOT the first thing I should have looked at this morning.Now my day is ruined,I guess I’m going to have to go rawl back into bed…thanks Dave.

  21. harley

    anybody ele having trouble getting to the video or is it just my screwed up computer?

  22. Sweet T

    What the Hell????? :wtf: :puke: 😐 :dead:

  23. Being an artist I can find the aesthetic ingredient in most everything but…
    I look at this picture and can’t get past the thought “red water balloon with scrawny legs”… ❓

  24. StevieC

    [Comment ID #189857 will be quoted here]

    That ain’t water, darlin’

  25. crash

    Oh i get it the next wwe raw champion look out cena

    cool tatoo by the way

    Now I know why they say Ignorance is Bliss… :puke:

  27. Bigwavdave

    Wait a minute…Isn’t that one of the “Fruit Of The Loom” fruits? :puke:

  28. StevieC

    [Comment ID #189890 will be quoted here]

    Must be the raspberry πŸ˜›

  29. junkman

    Will ye cheb feed yer mingin’ haggis bairn when it’s born ye santa pantied sporin licker? Ah woods hate tae be in th’ delivery room when ‘at hin’ comes it ay yer crease. :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

  30. “Hey there lassie, you wanna see me Loch Ness monster?”
    :wtf: :puke:

  31. Drusky

    If that were a ‘Gong Show’ act, It’d sound like Vatican City on a Sunday…

    Caption? …. ok
    “Less than desired results at the school janitor try outs for ‘The Simpsons’ play on Broadway…”
    “The REAL reason Sean Connery didn’t make the Next Indiana Jones movie…” 😈

  32. Drusky

    [Comment ID #189790 will be quoted here]
    Thank You! I thought that not to many people would remember the Great Don Martin…It’s kinda amazing just how much Mad Magazine fits in… I liked Spy vs. Spy really well. The soda commercials with them were cool. Mountain Dew, wasn’t it?

  33. Maddog

    ❓ Thanks Dave, you just burnt the retinas otta my eyes! Tell you Uncle to go put on some clothes! :dead: ❓ :dead: ❓

  34. Flash Gordon

    OMG! That looks like my odd Uncle Joe who stands on
    the front porch and waves his penis.

    AnnieB: the “Flash” has nothing to do with staying
    power. My Daddy was a fan of the old space buccaneer.
    :wang: :kiss: :wang: πŸ’‘ :wtf:

  35. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #189900 will be quoted here]

    What he said… :wtf:

  36. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #189957 will be quoted here]

    Yes! It was Mountain Dew! I remember those from a few years ago … in 3D no less. I loved Spy vs Spy too … the cold war was never so funny! I loved that they never had any ads (except that Moxie soda logo they stuck in different places) so they were free to satirize anybody they damn well pleased!

    I read that some guy from the L A Times said that all he really needed to know he learned from Mad Magazine, so I think a lot of people are in agreement with you! I sure am!

    I haven’t read one in years and I can’t think why because I always LOVED it! I had a friend in college who had EVERY issue from the start to the late 90’s. What a treat to look back on those! I only got to see the front and backs (they were in plastic) but still … they had some pretty great covers! Remember the UPC thing? They were so pissed they had to defile their mag with that … it was so funny!

  37. 1. “Lickin’jock itch off mah pinky is magically delicious.”

    2. “It puts its pants (or kilt, for that matter) on, or else it gets the hose!”

    3. “Gee, I’ve been wondering what Fat Bastard’s been up to these days.”

  38. mikeB

    [Comment ID #189793 will be quoted here]

    Thanks, AnnieB! Glad to be back. :mrgreen:

  39. yankee04

    Rowdy Rowdy Piper hits rock bottom…Thanks WWF for the curse now can I die?

  40. Candace

    Perhaps Fat Bastard went on a diet? :puke: πŸ™

  41. harry faque

    That would be Ronnie Howard after quite the bender upon hearing that Unca Don Knotts had kicked the bucket….note the Mayberry RFD tattoo on the arm….

  42. Driver

    Every man dies…not every man really lives!

    AnnieB I too loved Mad Mag, one of my favorite parts was the little comics that ran along the edge of the pages.

  43. There was a young lad from Bahrain
    Who prayed to the heavens for rain;
    For heÒ€ℒd squirted his goo
    All over his shoe
    And he couldnÒ€ℒt get rid of the stain.

  44. Drusky

    [Comment ID #190057 will be quoted here]

    πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

  45. Myra

    What the bloody hell is that?? I’m a Scot and I’ve never seen anything like that. Looks like a bloody tomato with a worm sticking out.

  46. aubry

    frome land coco coco πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„

  47. OCBeavis

    The Sultan exposed. Ugh. :puke:

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