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Show 39 Comments


  1. Bjorn Freeh

    The other side of Mt. Rushmore (and you thought it just had the presidents’ asses)

  2. pablo

    Coming to a theater near you. Brokeback Beach

  3. Lilli Crested

    “Kit, Come in Kit, I need your help, rescue me from this horrid singing career, Oh wait, did I say Career?”

  4. Dutch scientists succeed in growing a larger scale David Hasselhoff in a lab. It may be bigger than the original, it may sing and act better than the original but the real question is, will astronauts be prepared to eat it instead of real meat.

  5. I thought the Link of the Day was going to explain this photo.

  6. Mandy

    [Comment ID #186720 will be quoted here]

    I know, right?

  7. I’m sure glad I didn’t pay attention in the 80’s, because after that the Internet was born and the 80’s would go on forever.

  8. sledge

    Madame Toussads wax museum this is the horror section

  9. Spud

    Yeah, throw me a clue as well Dave, otherwise the photo rates as wierd with a capital R.

  10. Bigwavdave

    “Please help me doc. I’ve got a giant tumor growing on my shoulder. It’s ugly and painful, and it keeps trying to sing.”

  11. cowgirl

    “I swear I won’t drink anymore”

  12. cowgirl

    can we get any Gayer ( is that even a word?)??

  13. cowgirl

    can we get any Gayer ( is that even a word?)??

  14. AnnieB

    I guess this is what the Hoff has when he looks in the mirror … double vision.

  15. Brian

    oh god there are two of them… I’m in hell. I knew I was coming here but damn that was quick. :wtf: 👿

  16. harley

    that was the most horrible,evil thing i have ever seen…that image is going to be flashing in my mind all day.that was just cruel dave. :puke:

  17. chainstay

    So it was his evil twin that did that was doing the drinking.

  18. chainstay

    Let me rephrase that. So, it was his evil twin that was doing the drinking.(sorry, it has been a day long. long day been it has. No wait, just give me a sec, hold on. day been has.. Oh piss on it! I am going to go watch some cartoons.

  19. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #186701 will be quoted here]

    You mean that’s not their asses? 😕 😕 :wtf: :wtf: :puke:

  20. Driver

    David Hasslehoff anounced today his plans to open his own fast food chain, here on the left you see the head you will speak to for placing your order in the drive thru.

    I love the USB dog that cracked me up.

    Lab meat-NO THANKS if it was’nt raised on a farm for food or live wild first NO THANKS!

    Has anyone else checked out the Paris in jail music video, its just to f%^kin funny.

  21. Jay Laverdure

    “Look- all I was doing is PROVING my floor was clean enough to eat off…”

  22. This is the Spirit of Thought-I-Had-A-Career……evil and remorseful…..don’t believe me…..look at his eyes……and remember he IS a drunk……..all drunks are sorry about something…….I’m sorry I had to see this…….

  23. Whatever you do, never ever feed it after midnight.

  24. Maddog

    :!:What the….. 🙄 And you thought the Canadian Fairy Leaf was strange ❓

  25. thewhiteknight

    Ah yes, the beginers shooting range……. 😈 😆

  26. kdub

    By the way, bacon in a cup has already been invented, it’s called Guinness.

  27. [Comment ID #186910 will be quoted here]

    I thought I knew that taste from somewhere else……I guess that is why I stick the guys they start with J… know Jack D….Jim B….Johnnie W……Jose C……..

  28. jupiterschild

    Oh NO!!! Its the attack of the Killer Hasbeens!!! Run everybody RUN!! 😮

  29. c’mon you guys. David Hasselhof isn’t gay! Like, didn’t he have a thing with Joan Collins? or something? maybe with some ugly old bag? No? never been with a woman…? Oh, he’s gay? Cripes. :limp:

  30. pablo

    Two Hasselhoffs for two days. Make it go away!!!!

  31. yankee04

    You know this cloning thing has gottin way out of hand

  32. junkman

    in the new release of guildwars the final monster you must face is called the doppelhoffer. beware. even if you cut off both heads it can still function normally and cause damage with its poison aqua velva skin.

    i think scientists have been growing meat in labs ever since female freshmen began volunteering to help out in the summer for extra credits.

  33. Big Hasselhoff head looks at the other and says “Man I am a sexy bitch! Give me a minute alone please. No no no, leave the picture. I’ll call you when I’m done…”

  34. Drusky

    Today, ‘The Hoff’ announced his skin condition to the world. He felt that people would eventually notice the head of Pete Rose on his shoulder and keep trying to squeeze it…

  35. Hank had two of the best of the Pat Boone clones out for exercise this afternoon. Still sluggish from the nutrient solution where they developed, these two have the improved voice that Hank had wanted, and the enthusiasm his wife insisted on.

    Hank was both pleased how the PB run went, and concerned about the afternoon’s meeting. Mandy had expressed concerns that the breasts on her clones were a bit *too* perky. Well, ‘sufficient unto the day, are the troubles thereof’. At least, he could look forward to some fine Pat Boone Clone singing over lunch.

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