Caption Time #162

Caption Time #162

Image suggestion via Larfus, photo by RussellReno

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Show 34 Comments


  1. pablo

    Even though they had decided as a group, out of the three travelers, it was only apparent that one was going Comando. Did you see the big steel balls on that girl?

    I dedicate this post to Mandy’s post yesterday

  2. Anna

    There was a song in the mid 70’s that mentioned “Big Bertha and the Butt sisters” …
    (fess up, who knows it?)

  3. Spud

    They are both someone’s daughters … and they have Harry Potter for an escort, so they should be okay…

  4. sledge

    Looks like Broomhida and her lesbian sisters

  5. Confirming that old adage that:
    ‘What happens in World of Warcraft should really, really stay in World of Warcraft’.

  6. Bigwavdave

    Valentine’s Day Parade in San Francisco, right?

  7. StevieC

    [Comment ID #92760 will be quoted here]

    Well, Harry is currently in the play Equus, which would explain the horse on his far right, but who is that in the middle?

  8. Cynical Villain

    leather, mideval weapons and girls with their asses out. sound like my kind of party.

  9. Bjorn Freeh

    I find it amusing that you have all assumed these are women. What proof have you got?


    MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!

  10. Wayne

    :limp:makes me sad in pants. :wtf:

  11. Jane was living the nightmare of going to school in her underwear. :undies: :wtf:

  12. Daniel

    What, its DragonCon. You can’t take DragonCon out of context. Silly humans.

  13. pablo

    [Comment ID #92632 will be quoted here]

    It was Cheech & Chong, on the Big Bamboo album.

    Sidenote – that album came with an album sized rolling paper. We used it!!!!!

  14. Flash Gordon

    No one was going to molest our hero as long as
    Batgirl and Woman Wonder was around. Especially not
    Big Bertha Butt. :geek: :boob: 🙁 🙄 :wang:

  15. Mandy

    [Comment ID #92925 will be quoted here]

    Also known as Virgin: The Gathering

  16. Zilla the Younger

    Was’nt there a casting call for Road Warrior 4 recently?

  17. Mikeme

    [Comment ID #92632 will be quoted here]

    Bertha Butts, one of the ASS sisters!!

  18. Anna

    [Comment ID #92690 will be quoted here]

    Larfus …. I’ll sock it to ya …

  19. pablo


    Welcome To the Mid-evil Celutite Convention

  20. Spud

    I’d hit it…


  21. [Comment ID #93179 will be quoted here]

    I bet it hits back.

  22. “Darla the Dominatrix and Shelby Shrapnel introduce Gregory to the wonderful world of S&M.” 😈

  23. Spud

    You peeked…

  24. Lake Effect

    The Lee sisters…Home, Mot & Ugh.

  25. t1nyturtle

    Zena lives!

  26. Junie

    Having gotten used to never being able to hail a cab, the ladies beefed up their shoes and hoofed it down the street. Why wouldn’t any of the cabbies pick them up??? Surely it wasn’t because of the cattle prod…

  27. ducatisti

    Most disturbing to me is the fact that they appear to be outside, on a public street… the one in the middle has what looks to be a nice sized shotgun pistol, and the amazon is carrying…….studded steel balls?

    Reminds me of a joke, what’s big hairy and goes ‘arag-atang, arang-atang?

    An ape with brass balls.

    Okay, it wasn’t that funny, but I can imagine what the amazon sounds like walking down the road swingin’ her balls!

    And you know, even tho she’s a big gal, the amazon really seems to have a pretty nice looking bod.

  28. I will never feel self conscious of my pastey white ass again.

  29. jackie imhoff

    I am also trying to find the song about the butt sisters. If you find anything out, can you let me know? Thanks. ji

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