Hurricane Categories Explained
Hurricane strength levels are based on the amount of damage they cause. To make them easier to understand, follow this completely unscientific guide I made up: Cat 1: Plane full of screaming toddlersCat 2: Motorcycle gang moves in next doorCat 3: Killer Bees crossbreed with crowsCat 4: Hail the size of Toyota PriusesCat 5: Army…
Chickens are metal
I just had a “Snap Meal” from Imperfect Foods. Prior to this “meal” I assumed that chickens were avian, organic lifeforms, descended from dinosaurs. I know better now. They are, in fact, one of the toxic heavy metal compounds along with lead, arsenic, beryllium, et al. Hiding them in orange grease does not disguise their…
Hither and Yon
Some more useless items that make the Web great.
Flotsam and Jetsam
McSweeney’s has been on fire lately, and this gem is no exception. I REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT I WILL NOT BE CANCELING MY PLANS WITH YOU TONIGHT Some random flotsam and jetsam images that have been floating around my laptop. I had to see them, so now you do, too.