Captiontime #231

Captiontime #231

Image via StevieC


56 responses to “Captiontime #231”

  1. pablo Avatar

    Thank goodness Aerosmith didn’t see this. One of their best songs would have to be changed to “Dude looks like a dude in a dress”.

  2. Drusky Avatar

    Can’t you see s(he)’s dressed in black and in mourning after her fashion sense died? :dead:

    Caption? Oh Yes…

    “Arnold and Maria Shriver’s Secret Child Goes Public…” 😈

  3. damon Avatar

    Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me- Dontcha?

  4. dougieace Avatar

    “this tranny finally got a stuffed beaver”

  5. Infernos Avatar

    George Bush trying to find out what he could possibly do after pretending to be president.

  6. Ronica Avatar

    MOM!!?! / Dad??!?
    I feel so alone when they go out without me…

  7. Ronica Avatar

    “What not to wear for your wedding”

    I am getting hitched this weekend and swear I tried on that exact outfit in three different bridal shoppe’s

  8. Jack Avatar

    [Comment ID #295261 will appear here]

    Ronica, say it aint so, come on, SAY IT!!!!!

  9. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Howza bout a smile Q-T-PIE? Afterall, you got some new duds! :puke:

  10. GrayBoy154 Avatar

    The pretty really do rule the world

  11. AnnieB Avatar

    Why, he’s obviously headed to an audition for Maria in West Side Story. Everyone sing along now…

    I feel pretty
    Oh so pretty
    I feel pretty and witty and gay
    And I pity
    Any girl who isn’t me today
    I feel charming
    Oh so charming
    It’s alarming how charming I feel
    And so pretty
    That I hardly can believe I’m real
    See the pretty girl in that mirror there?
    Who can that attractive girl be?
    Such a pretty face
    Such a pretty dress
    Such a pretty smile
    Such a pretty me!
    I feel stunning
    And entrancing
    Feel like running
    And dancing for joy
    For I’m loved
    By a pretty wonderful boy

    😛 :wtf:

  12. pablo Avatar

    If Xena had a dick, gone out and screwed Elvira and the baby had been dropped repeatedly at birth.

  13. StevieC Avatar

    Sandra Bullock’s body double in Miss Congeniality 2 – Armed and Fabulous!

  14. Meagan Avatar

    He/she/it makes me look normal. Yikes. :wtf:

  15. janeeto Avatar

    Damn it, Dave! I waited and waited at ‘our’ Starbucks, and you blew me off! Needless to say, our 5:00 Vanilla Buscardo Cafe rendezvous will never be the same.

  16. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I’m not so sure tht isn’t a picture of either Roger Clemmons or Jose Canseco…

  17. patrick Avatar

    “Steroids in the Goth Age”, next Maury. :limp:

  18. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Her career finally over as an NFL linebacker, Mitsy decided to move to LA and open her own clothing store, “Mitsy’s Leather ‘n Things”, specializing in headwear that makes moose want to mount the customer.

  19. Spud Avatar

    It’s rather scary isn’t it, but, one can always sing along with AnnieB! 😈

    I feel pretty Oh so pretty I feel pretty and witty and gay And I pity Any boy who isn’t me today I feel charming Oh so charming It’s alarming how charming I feel And so pretty That I hardly can believe I’m real See the pretty boy in that mirror there? Who can that attractive boy be? Such a pretty face Such a pretty dress Such a pretty smile Such a pretty me! I feel stunning And entrancing Feel like running And dancing for joy For I’m loved By a pretty wonderful girl…

  20. Spud Avatar

    Of course some other words come to mind looking at that picture again, yes words my wise and wonderful baseball coach used to say before we headed out onto the field, usually emphasised with a bat.

    “Box Check!”


  21. Spud Avatar

    Is/was that a pet dog she/he is holding?

  22. Lung the Younger Avatar

    ..when the third Affleck brother escapes from the basement.

  23. MeanDean Avatar

    Henry Rollins finally comes out of the closet.

  24. julesOdeNile Avatar

    who said being “every woman” was easy on the body?

  25. junkman Avatar

    “holding the empty bag of lost self esteem”

  26. junkman Avatar

    “sangrina with fruit and shit”

  27. Doris Avatar

    AAAAAAHHHHH! :puke: When the (shudder) Boobahs were on PBS a few years ago, I’d freak out everytime my daughter would watch it. You should have more warning with that link 😕

  28. StevieC Avatar

    A stop at Starbucks, a little Sangrina, and then we stedge!

  29. DaPopster Avatar

    I see ADER in the background. Is this an indication the “it” is Dart Vader’s and Princess Leah’s “love child” ? :puke:

  30. kkkkathryn Avatar

    [Comment ID #295395 will appear here]

    HaHA!! Just says how wrong I can be! My thoughts flashed ROGERS & HAMMERSTEIN !!

    "When I have a brand-new hairstyle,
     with my eyelashes all in curl..."* 

    (*I Enjoy Being a Girl)


  31. J Avatar

    planet of the apes

  32. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #295966 will appear here]

    Hah….that would be Nader….NADER……as in this would be the love child of Ralph Nader and Janet Reno……not because of how it looks, but because simply how fucked up would you be if you found out Nader and Reno were your parents……I would dress funny too…..not like this…….nowhere near it……. :puke:

  33. Master Solace Avatar


    “This is Jack Black in his new role as Sandra Bullock’s new partner in the sequel ‘Miss Congeniality 3: Costume Mayhem’, where he proves that Aerosmith was wrong, Dude doesn’t looks like a lady.”

    Of course unless that lady just happens to be butch……..

    👿 :puke: :wtf:

  34. Yankeerose32 Avatar

    :wtf:OMFG!!! WTF is supposedto BE exactly???? Looks like it could be one of my stepson’s girlfriends!! :limp:

  35. MRDOUG Avatar

    WFT dave is today sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Trans gendered leauge? From boombahs (not enough acid in the world to allow me to understand that one) to Animals with rainbows coming out of there ass humping in the woods.

    Caption Time….

    ZillaLand where black is the new white…


    Want to pet my pussy?

  36. pablo Avatar

    She-Hulk goes shopping.

    Give She-Hulk discount or She-Hulk SMASH.

  37. Jim S Avatar
    Jim S

    [Comment ID #295986 will appear here]

    Hey Doug,

    Get over it. Plenty of LGBT folks on this site.

    Don’t like it? Too bad.

  38. iron man Avatar
    iron man

    Perez…Hilton ?? ❗

  39. Drusky Avatar

    Just like in ‘Crocodile Dundee’, I keep looking for Paul Hogan to walk up and grab the crotch to see if we are dude or dudette… 😈

  40. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #296517 will appear here]

    Man–now there’s a job I would not want! :puke: :limp: :puke:

  41. DAVE Avatar

    EVEN I WOUNLD’NT :wang: HER :thong: :puke:

  42. Elle Avatar

    In an alternate universe, Angie Harmon did not say no to steroids. Love the hair don’t.

  43. Nicolettte Avatar

    Ok, that has to be the boyfriend/girlfriend of Mr. Flowery Robe On The Phone.

  44. droopy Avatar

    WTF? Did she sit on some little old lady’s poodle, then tie some rope around the tail and neck and stuff some change and a wallet up its ass??? :wtf:

  45. Vicki Avatar

    Damn, Cher’s gained a lot of weight.

  46. droopy Avatar

    [Comment ID #296517 will appear here]

    AH HAHAHA! I wonder if she knows she looks this bad? :limp: :puke:

  47. junkman Avatar

    [Comment ID #296560 will appear here] but would you :wang: him?

  48. chainstay Avatar

    Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.

    I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan….cause I’m a ??? I’m at at a loss here.

  49. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    “I am Woman, hear me roar see me scowl…”

  50. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Zilla girl headed for a costume party with her bag-o-tricks. :wtf: 😕 🙄 🙁

  51. julesOdeNile Avatar

    Hallo there little darlin’ :puke: :puke: :puke: :dead:

  52. TimM Avatar
    • Am I the only one who thinks (s)he looks like a young Charles Grodin?

    • (S)he reminds me of the time a buddy, and I, and his girlfriend dressed up for Halloween. His girlfriend was/is 5 foot 10 and she’s … “Um” … she’s a BIG girl. She decided to dress as a prostitute, with a dress and ridiculous looking high heel platform type shoes that she found in a thrift store, and heavy make-up. Two people looked at her and said, “You’re a guy, playing a transvestite, right?” I overheard a guy flat out ask her, “Are you male or female?” She seemed humiliated, or mortified.

    • I’m so lonely, I’d do her.

  53. TimM Avatar

    Oh SHIT! Ignore that last part!^ IGNORE THAT LAST PART!!! 🙂

  54. Betty W. Avatar
    Betty W.

    🙄 I’d recognize that stunt
    double anywhere !!
    NCIS wanna-be ? Yikes !!
    LOL !! 😕

  55. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #298049 will appear here]

    Too late. Your comment will for now and forever be a part of Zilla history.

  56. Spud Avatar

    R.I.P. Tim +++++

    Alas poor Tim we knew him well
    A man with eyes bigger than his abilities
    Swallowed up in his prime
    Gone, but not forgotten.