Caption Time #208

Caption Time #208

Image via betamale

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45 responses to “Caption Time #208”

  1. Salmon Avatar

    there was an old man, a steam roller and a whole lotta pills and that’s all we know 😛

  2. patrick Avatar

    I think they finally caught Grampa choking the chicken!
    Or maybe he just wanted to make sure he didn’t get blood on his Sunday go to meeting clothes when he slaughtered the turkey for Thanksgiving.

  3. Pablo Avatar

    Ever wonder where people get ideas from. This is deffinately where Rob Zombie got his Devil’s Rejects.

    Paging Captain Spaulding.

  4. Pablo Avatar

    Looky here Betty Jane Bob, I got this here new fangled outhouse from that there Ikea catalog. For God’s sake tell Cleetus he can’t use it until he finishes building it!

  5. Loli Avatar

    “Look ma! I can make the pan ding without my hand touching it!”

  6. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    AnnieB’s deranged Uncle Elmer daubing his privates
    with hot sauce. Can’t you control him, hon? Your
    cousin Tater is obviously unable to. 😛 😛 🙄 😕 :wtf: :kiss:

  7. Buster Avatar

    I’m sitting here on the “woody” pile sawing my log.

  8. Buster Avatar

    I’m sitting here on the “woody” pile sawing my log.

  9. avalon67 Avatar

    Please God don’t tell me they’re from Kentucky

  10. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #215496 will be quoted here]

    More than likely Arkansas.

    Look like a family of Hillary-Billies to me.

  11. Brad K. Avatar

    “Cut!” yelled the director. “No, this will never do. We can’t use this crap for the Elvis movie ‘Kissing Cousins’. Let’s try the other shot, with Pappy and them girlies, the what did we decide? Yeah, those ‘kittie hawks’. Now get Hillary’s brother some clothes, and pick up that kindling!”

    And so Elvis, in his Army garbed movie ‘Kissing Cousins’, didn’t have to put up with Uncle Zebediah, Aunt Runie and Ms. Flora the schoolmarm. They did keep the dog, he was a pretty good hound. Besides, Uncle Zeb kept blowing his lines. When prompted with “ICBM” he kept asking “What missles?” instead of the knee slapper Pappy came up with “What BM? Where? I guess my eyes are finally going.”

  12. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Lord Benjamin and Lady Charise Medici invite you to attend their house-warming ceremony, to be held on Friday, November 23rd, at 2 PM. Proper attire is recommended to be ‘tux and tails’. The host and hostess will supply champagne and canapes. RSVP

  13. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #215492 will be quoted here]

    Poor Auntie Mae just can’t take it any more since the doctor gave the old coot Viagra! 😛

  14. Gebel Avatar

    Ifn I told him once I told him a hunnert times, I said go outside and SPLIT us some firewood

  15. Irishcoffee Avatar

    Yup, Pablo, got it in one!

  16. Spud Avatar

    Ah sed git them thar matches Darnel, quik like now afore Pa gits outta that thar kindlin.

  17. Mandy Avatar

    i’ve heard of shitting a brick, and pinching off a log, but never an entire log pile. he must have had a lot of fiber. :wtf:

  18. Nicolette Avatar

    Gawd dammit Pa! I tole you them damn documentry people wuz coming today, not that you’un was gonna come today! :puke:

  19. Amber Avatar

    I hope you feel better! Get well soon! 🙂

  20. junkman Avatar

    if them broads was all there was around i’d be fuckin’ me a wash pan too!

  21. julesOdeNile Avatar

    An’ now far this here the rockit launchin’ trick, ama just stick these here matches…..

  22. julesOdeNile Avatar

    An’ now far this here the rockit launchin’ trick, ama just strick these here matches…

  23. julesOdeNile Avatar

    er, sorry far that there goof up. the second one’s got that thar correrect spellings an’ all :limp:

  24. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #215846 will be quoted here]

    Piles of it.

  25. Lung the Younger Avatar

    So what did that compooter feller say agin?

    If we want to see the big game over the intar-net, we has to connect my feeder horn to the satellite dish, connect that to my lap-top, reboot and log on. Well I done all that. Ma, go see if Cleetus caught that mouse yet. The compooter feller sed that we can’t do nuthin without a mouse.

  26. StevieC Avatar

    The Simple Life, Season 42

  27. TimM Avatar

    The ladies are not too happy. Neither one wants to be the one who has to pull the splinters out of his ass again.

  28. junkman Avatar

    speaking of wood…..nicolette is creating a lot of it around here. :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:

  29. Rickey Henderson Avatar

    Ah, I see the new “Resident Evil” videogame has finally hit shelves. My captio would be:

    “Resident Evil 5: The Whitening”

  30. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    This is what happens when the porn industry tries to reach the wrong new target audience.

  31. Nicolette Avatar

    [Comment ID #215860 will be quoted here]

    Not that I can do anything about it. I threw mmy back out yesterday! :dead:

  32. Fleetwood Avatar

    [Comment ID #215864 will be quoted here]

    You have the most beautiful Out-Back I have ever seen. Hope you feel better.

  33. Astryd Avatar

    *see AnnieB’s avatar*
    Nicolette-Love the new look.

  34. Astryd Avatar

    Oh, and get better Dave! :kiss:

  35. Nicolette Avatar

    [Comment ID #215868 will be quoted here]

    Thank you Astryd, and thanks Fleetwood. BTW Dave…. hope you feel better soon. Holidays can be shitty enough without being sick! :kiss:

  36. Meagan Avatar

    Uncle Dad Jim Bob demonstrates how he “chops wood.” :wtf:

  37. cbatdux Avatar



  38. chainstay Avatar

    Velma, whump im up side the head agin with that stick soas I kin git this far lit. Y’all also need ta git that pan cuz we gunna need it fer the gravy.

  39. Drusky Avatar

    Quick! Get grandpa back in the house. He’s done got out and is doing his ‘Woody the Woodpecker’ imitation again!

    Question: How much wood could a naked hillbilly chop if a naked hillbilly could chop wood? 😈

    Dave, try getting the ZillaGirls to give you a rubdown. I guarantee you’ll forget about the bronchitis! :wang:

  40. brad s. Avatar
    brad s.

    women flies off in rage after finding husband with her mom.

  41. Mandy Avatar

    beverly hillbillies, the lost episodes

  42. Mr. Biggles Avatar
    Mr. Biggles

    There was an old man from Nantucket,
    Who put his :wang: in a bucket …

  43. show Avatar

    Bobbysuejoe! git the hose out here!.. Jimmybobjhonjoe fergot his meds again!

  44. blaster gas Avatar
    blaster gas

    Looks like my in laws on Thanksgiving. 😈

  45. Astryd Avatar

    He’s trapped!! Someone git the hose!!! :wtf: