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Show 41 Comments


  1. Bigwavdave

    I’m not sure why, but that is one disturbing clown.

    An amputee as well?

  2. Bigwavdave

    Speaking of amputees, that gummy bear video is also quite disturbing.

    Amputee, Pt.3: I guess the guy with the bike had his balls cut off by the old lady. :limp:

  3. Yucca

    Antique Clowns: Terrifying adults and children for decades.

    That picture gives me the heeby jeebies

  4. scamper95

    Steve the guy selling the bike must be related to miss south coralina. If he had any brains he would see that getting rid of the wife would be the better thing to do. Hopefully he will find his balls

  5. scamper95

    Steve the guy selling the bike must be related to miss south coralina. If he had any brains he would see that getting rid of the wife would be the better thing to do. Hopefully he will find his balls

  6. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #199967 will be quoted here]

    You got that right! Jeez, that eye is freaking me out, not to mention the mouth. :puke:

  7. [Comment ID #199973 will be quoted here]

    Freaked you out? Imagine what it was like for me to try and hold the camera steady!

  8. Chris

    This Clown reminds me of a story a friends of mine told me about his friends wife.

    The wife was babysitting for a really rich family. After getting the kids to go to bed she decided to go to sleep in the guest room. In the corner of the room there was this lifesize clown statue. It freaked her out because it look like it was looking at her. So she called the mother of the childern she was babysitting and asked if she could move this clown.

    The mother told them to get out of the house with the children that instant…

    turns out this clown was an escaped loonie from the loonie bin down the street.

    and the kicker is…

    kids told the mom that they were playing with “the clown” in the basement earlier that day.


    Mr. Bill’s daddy? OH NOOOOOO!!!!

  10. Drusky

    A candid picture of Michael Jackson on the mend after that tragic fire filming the Pepsi commercial…


    Michael Jackson after round #1 of skin bleachings…

    Either work… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    If the Zillagirls were gummy bears, what flavors would they be? ๐Ÿ˜›

  11. StevieC

    It’s Dildo, the clown! Dildo likes it when little boys and girls sit on his lap.

  12. Drusky

    A candid photo of Michael Jackson after that fire during the filming of the Pepsi Commercial…
    Michael Jackson decides one skin bleaching treatment wasn’t enough…

    Either works… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    If the Zillagirls were gummy bears, what flavors would they be? ๐Ÿ˜›

  13. Drusky

    Dave, did my post run afoul of the filter so that it wouldn’t appear?

  14. patrick

    Aaaah, poor Gummy, but tasty!

  15. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #199974 will be quoted here]

    Oh man, I know how you feel about clowns! I thought you had some big brass ones just posting it and now to learn you actually took the picture … Wow! Now we’re talking King Kong sized ones!

    The things you’ll go through for your loyal readers is limitless! Btw, are you pissed off at us or something? ๐Ÿ˜›

  16. Tim Burtonรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs pitch for a kidรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs animated biography on the life of John Wayne Gacy Jr. didnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt go down too well with the studios.

  17. TimM

    Once upon a time, a long time ago, the clown dolly made a little girl very happy, she was a little girl in a small town, a town located in…. THE TWILIGHT ZONE!

  18. ..but it didnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt take long for Bob Smith to regret pissing off that voodoo witch doctorรขโ‚ฌยฆ

  19. [Comment ID #199982 will be quoted here]

    Yep, you wrote “Michael Jackson” twice in one comment. Spammers used to use his name a lot. ๐Ÿ™

  20. Mental note: Next time Dave warns me he’s going to post a clown, unplug the computer for a day.

  21. Bigwavdave

    Nikki – Great Hot Pouty Look

  22. patrick

    OMG Nikki my lustful thoughts of you just went up by several Kelvin units! Congrats on the new picture. :wang: :wang: :wang: ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  23. Cindy

    One of the most disturbing images I can remember seeing in a long time….and I work in the public school system! Those eyes cutting around to the side in a very sneaky, underhanded way….yikes!!!! :wtf:

  24. Spud

    It reminds of the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz.

  25. Bjorn Freeh

    Another patron of the local Starbucks, Dave? You’ve gotta switch brands.

  26. pablo

    Link of the day:

    Women come & go but it takes real comitment to own a motorcycle. Plus when she said “do whatever the fuck you want” you should have stedged her right then and there!!! then gone out and bought the bike.

  27. junkman

    laura ingalls is still creepy after all these years.

  28. Ugh…*shivers*

    Pablo: I think I love you…now, Do whatever the fuck you want!
    An ultimatum between my man and my bike would be unwise, I wouldn’t even have to answer, he’d just pack up and leave with his tail ‘teen the legs. ๐Ÿ˜†


    Gummi Astryd-Cherry flavored ๐Ÿ˜ˆ wanna try?

    *extended shivers and walks away from computer, then comes back and turns off monitor…then turns off computer…turns on all lights in the house and beats broomstick under every bed and dark closet corner to make sure nothin’s there then closes all doors that are open to darkness…turns computer back on…reads Chris’ comment and immediately locks all closets and basement doors, crawles to center of bed and sits in fetal position but forgot to turn off computer again…after significant amout of time slowly creeps to corner of bed, gets in pouncing position and jumps to computer area 5 feet away from bed*
    Chris, thanks for the story but I’m home alone… โ“
    IT’S LOOKING AT ME SINGING “I see you…” โ“
    FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! ๐Ÿ™ Dave, I really hate you right now!!! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  29. Drusky

    [Comment ID #200058 will be quoted here]

    In that case, sorry for the double posting it took for me to figure that out…

    Any guidelines you care to share to help us avoid the big, mean post killing filter?

  30. [Comment ID #199974 will be quoted here]

    Let me guess. You saw this while stopped at Dr. Spaulding’s roadside freakshow. How was the chicken?

  31. Flash Gordon

    AnnieB’s first doll. Psychologically warped your
    little personality, did it? ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜›

  32. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #200096 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, that’s why I love fuckers like you! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜›

  33. [Comment ID #200076 will be quoted here]

    Sorry, bebe. Will post again right now.

  34. StevieC

    [Comment ID #200101 will be quoted here]

    You’re never alone Astryd. Not while we’re still here. No clown would ever dare mess with a zilla girl.

  35. [Comment ID #199980 will be quoted here]

    Sweet and spicy with a touch of whisky. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Caption: “Wanna play?” :wtf:

    Mommy! The creepy doll with one eye scared me! โ“

  36. BTW, it looks like Youtube removed the Gummi Bear video. Damn! Robot Chicken is one of my favourite shows! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  37. brad s.

    brittney’s baby enjoy’s a day out

  38. TimM

    Boy! That thing gets creepier the more I look at it. Imagine if you would get a creepy looking clown doll as a birthday present. I like old things but that creepy clown wouldn’t be a good birthday present.

    BTW, Today(sep. 7) is my birthday.

  39. [Comment ID #200209 will be quoted here]

    Thanks! :kiss:

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