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29 responses to “Caption Time #126”

  1. evilmister Avatar

    Young Serafina begins the final approach to snatch the heart out of her younger, prettier, attention-stealing sister
    My mind to your mind or however the hell that damned Vulcan mind meld dealie works…
    Which is it gonna be, lil sis, the heart or do i crush your trachea? :wtf:

  2. Irish Avatar

    Little Susie tries Voodoo for the first time…..
    It puts the lotion on its skin……


  3. Irish Avatar

    Light as a feather, stiff as a board……..

  4. Irish Avatar

    Little Betsy wets-her-self got really old…..REALLY fast…… :wtf:

  5. Meagan Avatar

    “The voodoo doll of my little brother is finally complete! Now, to stick that bottle where the sun don’t shine…” 👿 :wtf:

  6. Meagan Avatar

    If God is anywhere here in California, I haven’t seen him yet.

  7. Drusky Avatar

    The daughter of the Evil Priest of Kali from ‘Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom’ practices her ‘ripping out the heart’ trick…

  8. Driver Avatar

    At age four young shateiqwa begins prepairing for motherhood , after all its only eight years away . [ Okay people dont hate me its the babys having babys thing ]

    Dave whats a Flitch ?

  9. Spud Avatar

    I’m compelled to say…

    “Rise! and yo shall be healed muh sista”


  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Little Laverne shows her Michael Jordan doll how to dunk.

  11. Saucy Panties Blog Avatar

    On the count of three I am going to use my ninja powers forcing my hand through the cavity of your chest and ripping your heart out whilst it is still beating… (Yes I watch too many horror films)

  12. Ugly Toy Avatar

    Little puppet made of plastic, awake. The gift of life is thine.


    Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique!

  13. bhamm Avatar

    – “Yessss, Masssster, I shall get the braaaaiiin for you…”
    – Young Abbey loves her new “My First Exorcism” Doll and playset. (Comes complete with bowl for catching all that wonderful pea soup!)
    – “Good evening, Clarice”
    – Sadly, the Jedi Mind Trick does not work on plastics.

  14. mikeB Avatar

    “The switch thrown as raw lightening arcs down the line; violent, consuming the cold form upon the table. Within moments, the power is diminished. By the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs…” 8)

  15. abbi Avatar

    i shall smother the little doll .. how dare my parents call it cute … OMLY IM CUTE!!!!! >.

  16. Irish Avatar

    Sex Ed is startin kinda young any more isn’t it? :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

  17. britt Avatar


  18. MrDoug Avatar

    “The Antichrist has arrived as expected and is now in training”
    “First you hold the trachea shut, then compress the chest like this…”
    “Davezilla reveals the real reason he joined the Serafina tribe, to expose the horrible training methods used to teach the young to kill at an early age.”
    “I swear mommy it was SIDS! ”

  19. Duker Avatar

    Did she flitch that doll, Dave?…. Has she been flitched!?!!…..Dave, you flitcher!!!….. Have I been flitched??!………..I’m so confused…………..FLITCH U, DAVE!!$%&*#$@*^ 👿

  20. dougieace Avatar

    hush little baby dont you cry
    momma’s gonna smother you then you die

  21. evilmister Avatar

    [Comment ID #71099 will be quoted here]


  22. cbatdux Avatar

    [Comment ID #71099 will be quoted here]

    If the pillow don’t do the trick, Momma gonna beat you with a stick…..

  23. cbatdux Avatar

    (can’t focus – I keep paging back to photos of mandy. Oh, Mandy, you came and you gave without taking…)

  24. Master Solace Avatar

    “Don’t you dare move bitch”

  25. Brad K. Avatar

    “Wow! Feed her chili, and you really can feel the baby farts!”

  26. Meagan Avatar

    Ya know, it seems to me that she might be wondering if the doll’s cute little outfit will fit her. “I might wear a children’s size small, but I still feel fat!”

  27. Meagan Avatar

    Forgive me; I just finished watching Project Runway.

  28. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #71111 will be quoted here]
    Was that from the kid to the doll, or from the parent with the camera to the kid?

  29. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #71242 will be quoted here]

    Honestly, it could be both…….but……….it fits with the girl’s face…….