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43 responses to “Caption Time #117”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    Nice set of Oompa Loompas! :boob: :boob:

  2. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Make fun of my party on your blog? Fine, see if I invite you again!

    By the way, no matter how kinky we got after we polished off the Stolis, we only engaged in Oompa-Loompa-tossing with their full consent.

  3. Master Solace Avatar

    This is what you get when you mix Oompa Loompas and Ecstasy………

  4. Ace Avatar

    So these are the Wangdoodles and Hornswogglers and Snozzwangers and rotten Vermicious Knids Willy Wonka saved them from? I never would have guessed. I’m sure they’re much happier living with him instead of those monsters. Whew!

    Hmm…. I want a sugar daddy. I wonder if Willy Wonka is available.

  5. alex.r. Avatar

    Oh wow…you…are…so…hawt!

    Yes… you, on the right, with the green hair.

  6. Master Solace Avatar

    Willy Wonka invested in a new kind of factory…. 😈

  7. Ace Avatar

    Even the Oompa Loompa’s are cooler than Tak.

  8. Spud Avatar

    I am ready now for the sex…


  9. JFLY Avatar

    [Comment ID #62876 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #62887 will be quoted here]

    Too funny, guys!

    What came to my mind was their rock-hard Gobstoppers…. 😀

  10. Alex Avatar

    Oompa loompa gonna screw u.
    We just got paid and you need money too.
    If you like want to you can come too.
    like the oompa loompa dupity do!

  11. Bob Avatar

    OMG> the luckiest oompa loompas on the planet! Whos golden ticket did they find?

  12. underdog Avatar

    well im speechless huh

  13. bhamm Avatar

    – After being caught adding their special “cream” to the chocolates, Willy Wonka gave the Oompa Loompas some much much needed time off.

    – Willy Wonka and the Prostitute Factory.

    – Those girls look like they could really:
    A: Pull the Taffy
    B: Lick the Lollipop
    C: Munch the Gobstobbers
    D: Fiddle the Twizzler
    … I could go on for days.

    – After Tim Burton redid the family classic, Hugh Hefner thought he’d try his hand at it.

  14. mccan Avatar

    Wonka’s annual fundraiser for the Oompah retirement home where Mortimer goes on a rum and coke bender – “Hey, Missy, I need some help pulling my taffy!” (same line every year). Later that night Morty pisses in Johnny Drama’s boots…

  15. Craig Avatar

    That oompa in the back better stop pointing at me.
    Oh, and nice ass tattoo melanoma women!

  16. Minnie Avatar

    [Comment ID #62964 will be quoted here]

    The Ho Factory.

  17. cowboy Avatar

    I’ve got another puzzle for you…. 😕

  18. Minnie Avatar

    [Comment ID #62964 will be quoted here]

    The cHOcolate Factory.

  19. junkman Avatar

    spot the tranny.

    how do “mentor, pamper and spoil” fit together? i’ve always wanted to mentor a sugar baby.

    who could forget julia child that lumbering oaf!

  20. Zinta Avatar

    OMG even the Oompa Loompas get laid more than me.. how depressing.

  21. abbi Avatar

    oompa loompa!!!they soooooo rock! but not as much as me! i rock soo much… i rox ther sox!! :wtf: 😆 :mrgreen: 8) 8) 8) 8) 😛

  22. MrDoug Avatar

    The Om-pa Lompas were granted three wishes by the fairy princess can you guess what they were?

    Strippers, check
    Midgets, check
    brass pole, check
    Booze, check
    The mighty davezilla is prepared for another wild Friday night in Arkansas

  23. Francisco Avatar

    [Comment ID #62968 will be quoted here]

    That’s no tat. That’s the cattle brand.

  24. junkman Avatar

    hey, wait a minute……aren’t these the two guys that pulled the pole out of the ground on thursday?

  25. Merth Avatar

    Humpa-Floozy flicks are all the rage in Europe. :java:

  26. Avatar

    Fuck the Chocalate Factory! I’m gonna Wonka my Willie.

  27. Jason Avatar

    💡 Does that photo have anything to do with this one or is this just a phase of dirty Wonka fetishes?

  28. Meagan Avatar

    Oompa loompa doo pa di doo,
    I’ve got another boner for you… :wang:

  29. mikeme Avatar

    Find the pussy! 😛 :wang: :boob: :boob:

  30. cynical villain Avatar
    cynical villain

    and this is where all the stolen chocolate willy wonka been looking for went to. Ooompa Loompa Dooopdie Da….ooh hell with this…put them boompa boompas right here….burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Can’t blame them at all. 8)

  31. mikeme Avatar

    In the face of declining enrollment, the Church of Scientology makes one last attempt to increase attendance. What? no free Cruise? 8) :wtf:

  32. Chicky Avatar

    [Comment ID #63128 will be quoted here]

    OMG! That’s so funny!!!!!

  33. Harvey Avatar

    We’re hav’n a party
    Everybody’s singin’
    I don’t wanna go home

  34. Driver Avatar

    Next on Access Hollywood
    With a now failing movie carrier Morgan Fairchild { center } is reduced to performing at Oompa Loompa stag party’s . Yeah thats the ticket !

  35. Goth Princess Avatar
    Goth Princess

    Nice to know Willy Wonka is treating his Oompa Loompas well by giving them some pole dancers. :boob: :boob: :wang:

  36. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #63143 will be quoted here]

    And the one on the left is Suzanne Sommers and the right… Heather Mills-McCartney?

  37. cbatdux Avatar

    Very proud to be a Pole….

  38. Paige Avatar

    Is that what Hugh Hefner has in the Grotto that everyone talks about??

  39. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    It would be worth wearing a green wig ……… :wang:

  40. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Just curious—How could Paige’s comment be posted at 12:58–oops!
    I didn’t notice the date change! I’m from the planet Wonka. 😕

  41. Infernos Avatar

    New from Snoop Productions… Oompa Loompas Gone Wild !

  42. brianne Avatar


  43. Twatty Avatar

    i read your site and didn’t know what i should do either if the end of the comments or the begining but should know and didn’t, but that doesn’t matter, what does matter doesn’t allways gets noticed or if it does, it doesn’t get mentioned or remembered it sometimes would if it could do something about it, but doesn’t due to too many words that sometimes make hard reading but i found your site to be great and easy on the eye. So i thought i would reply to comment box straight away if i didn’t i would do if someone else did or if they didn’t i wouldn’t. I must say though the picture was a bit confusing and i didn’t know wot i should be looking for.