And a Diet Coke please…

And a Diet Coke please


5 responses to “And a Diet Coke please…”

  1. Nicolette Avatar

    I saw that, but someone had photo shopped teeth onto the muffin top so it looked like the fat rolls were EATING her shorts!! BWAH HA HA HA HA! 😀

  2. Faith Avatar

    So unnecessary. 😯

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Et voila.
    Le “Tourniquet of Denial”.

  4. rem1967 Avatar

    Where’s the vomiting smiley when you need it?

  5. Bec Avatar

    I SOOOO wanted to comment days ago … got my password back … Really? 🙄 OK, MY shorts aren’t that small, and I weigh 125? Seriously?