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Show 31 Comments


  1. Hang on, Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!

    “Arghh! I picked the wrong day to promise to stop jumping on the bed!”

  2. Heythere,

    “My Supergirl imitation.” or “Am I wearin’ a thong or not?” 🙄


  3. Driver

    Why do polterguist only suck girls into thier dimension ? :wtf:

  4. The Invisible Man and his new girlfriend get it on. :wang:

  5. Finally, Canada has regained respect back after that whole “South Park” incident…


  6. Very interesting pose. What does it means? 😀

  7. Irish

    1) This week on When Women Attack
    2) Daytime Alien Abductions. Fact or Fiction.
    3) I wonder if she hit the wall… 🙂

  8. Spud

    You do know that it could be a bloke…

    albeit a mighty strangely dressed one.

    just thought I’d share that idea.

  9. Patrick

    It’s uhh. No wait, it’s uhh. Aaaaah. I got nothing. It’s Saturday and it’s early.
    Cute legs, wish we had a different camera angle. Because as we all know, cheap thrills are better than no thrills at all. ❓

  10. Good Lord, their using human subjects for their depraved Mentos/Pepsi experiments now!

  11. DaPopster

    Anyone check the ceiling or wall for skid marks ? ❓

  12. mikeme

    Attack of the bean burrito!! 😳 😳 :wtf:

  13. Zilla the Younger

    I scored a remarkable 1324 on my first Tampoline Game! What Fun!
    Actually, I was quite terrified

  14. Flash Gordon

    Turn that fan behind her up a notch. Lucky dog. 👿 :thong: :kiss: :wang: :wang:

  15. Pappy

    It looks like gravity suddenly disappeared.. She’s having to hold onto the bed! :wtf:

  16. mikeB

    Rubber Girl desperately tries to pull the house back together during a force 5 hurricane

  17. I never thought I’d say this, but I need more practice with my nudist trampolining.

  18. Drusky

    After feeding the dog left-over Mexican food, Jill hangs on to the bed for dear life after Fido lets go… 😈

  19. Drusky

    Ever wonder what happens if you cram $25 all at once into the quarter slot on the vibrating bed at the hotel? 😈

  20. Driver

    Why cant I get a women on the trampoline ? :wtf:

  21. bigboy

    no more burritto’s! :mrgreen:

  22. Batgirl comes out of the closet with a bag…

  23. evilmister

    You guys never let me do ANYTHING. I hate this house! when i turn 18 or my pr0n site starts getting more hits, i am SOOOOO outta HERE! And no one can have my stuff! until then, i am going sulk like there’s never been sulking! there will be a SULK VACUUM, do you hear?

  24. This is known, in my household, as the “Flying Squirrel of Death”

  25. [Comment ID #70444 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #70435 will be quoted here]

    Nudists for that matter

  26. [Comment ID #70415 will be quoted here]

    I don’t think it can be put any better than that

  27. [Comment ID #70415 will be quoted here] Well its my guess that she has a very nice tight fitting white thong


  28. Myra

    She dyed her hair brunette to try to seem intelligent but this stunt proved she was really a blonde. And the nudist trampoline thing – couldn’t they at least have a hot guy instead of one who looks like a neaderthal?

  29. carol

    hey when your hot your hot!!!

  30. Chicky

    Now that’s what I call a blow job! :mrgreen: 😆 😆 😆 😛

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